Dr. Arif M. Khan | Department of Mathematics, Applied Sciences.

Name - Dr. Arif M. Khan

Department - Department of Mathematics, Applied Sciences.

Email - arif.khan@jietjodhpur.ac.in

Contact No.– +91-9414260613

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lfbPaQgAAAAJ&hl=en

Qualifications -

Ph.D. from - Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India

Post-Graduation - Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India

Graduation - Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur (Rajasthan), India

Publication and Research

  • Journal – 43

  • Publications

  1. Ramani, P., Khan, A.M., Suthar, D.L. et al. Approximate Analytical Solution for Non-Linear Fitzhugh–Nagumo Equation of Time Fractional Order through Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math,   8, 61(2022) Springer Publication.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-022-01254-z(Scopus-Indexed)

  2. Suthar D.L., Purohit S.D., Khan A.M., Dave S. (2021) “Impacts of Environmental Pollution on the Growth and Conception of Biological Populations Involving Incomplete I-Function”. Intelligent Learning for Computer Vision. CIS 2020. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol. 61. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4582-9_44(Scopus-Indexed)

  3. A.M. Khan, S.D. Purohit, S. Dave and D.L. Suthar, “Fractional mathematical modelling of degradation of dye in textile effluents” Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Mesa Springer  - www.journalmesa.com Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 1-9, 2021  (SCI-Indexed)

  4. S. Dave, A.M. Khan, S.D. Purohit and D.L. Suthar "Application of green synthesized metal nano-particles in photo catalytic degradation of dyes and its mathematical modelling using Caputo Fabrizio fractional derivative without singular kernel"Journal of Mathematics, Hindawi, Volume 2021, Article ID 9948422, 8 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9948422 (SCI-Indexed)

  5. Purohit, S.D., Khan, A.M., Suthar, D.L. et al. The Impact on Raise of Environmental Pollution and Occurrence in Biological Populations Pertaining to Incomplete H-function. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40009-020-00996-y

  6. (SCI-Indexed)

  7. D. L. Suthar, A. M. Khan, Anita Alaria, S. D. Purohit, J. Singh “Extended Bessel-Maitland function and its properties pertaining to integral transforms and fractional calculus”, AIMS Mathematics, 5(2), 2020: 1400–1410.doi: 10.3934/math.2020096http://www.aimspress.com/journal/Math

  8. (Scopus & SCI-E Indexed)

  9. D. L. Suthar, L. N. Mishra, A. M. Khan Anita Alaria, “Fractional integrals for the product of Srivastava’s polynomial and (p; q) - extended hyper geometric function, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. V.9, N.4, 2019, pp. 822-829 (Scopus& ESCI Indexed).

  10. Anita Alaria, Arif. M. Khan, D. L. Suthar, Dinesh Kumar, “  Application of Fractional Operators in Modelling for Charge Carrier Transport in Amorphous Semiconductor with Multiple Trapping, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer Nature,  ISSN 2349-5103 Volume 5 Number 6 Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math (2019) 5:1-10 DOI 10.1007/s40819-019-0750-8. (Scopus Indexed).

  11. LalitaMistry, A. M. Khan, D. L. Suthar, Dinesh Kumar, “A New Numerical Method to Solve Non Linear Fractional Differential Equations” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (Scopus Indexed) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, October, pp. 5095-5100, 2019,

  12. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L2741.1081219

  13. Ramani, Pankaj, Khan, A. M. and Suthar, D. L., Numerical and Analytical Method for Solution of Fractional Differential Equations (March 22, 2019).  In Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019) Elsevier SSRN,id: 3358040, pp. 1865-1870,  February 26 - 28, 2019, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. 

  14. Khan A.M., RamaniPankaj, D.L.Suthar “Generalized differential transform method and its application to solve nonlinear partial differential equation with space and time fractional derivatives” (International Conference Proceeding) International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, ISSN No.: 2279-543X Volume 07, Issue 02, February 2019. (UGC Journal No.: 64650)

  15. Khan A.M., Ramani P., Suthar D.L. et al.,A Note on K-4 Fractional Integral Operator” Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math.April (2018) 4:57, pp.1-12, Springer Journal No. 40819, ISSN: 2349-5103(Impact Factor 0.96). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-018-0491-0) (SCOPUS Indexed)

  16.  D.L.Suthar, L.N. Mishra, A.M. Khan and Anita Alaria “Fractional Integrals for the product of srivastava’ Polynomial and extended hyper geometric function”, TWMS J. App. & Eng. Math. V.x, N.x, 20xx, pp.1-9 (Indexing—ESCI& Elsevier) Journal ISSN: 2146-1147.

  17. Arif M. Khan, Anita Alaria, D.L.Suthar and Dinesh Kumar“On Generalized K-C Hadamard Fractional Operators and M series” Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, Springer Journal (Communicated for publication)

  18. A. M. Khan, Lalita Mistry and D. L. Suthar“Revisiting analytical-approximate solution of time fractional Rosenau-Hyman equation via fractional reduced differential transform method”, Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica. (Communicated for publication).

  19. A. M. Khan and Lalita Mistry “Stability Analysis and Numerical Solution for the Fractional order Biochemical Reaction Model” Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations, Vol. 4 No. 11, (2016), pp. 521-530, (HikariJournal).http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/nade.2016.6531.

  20. ISSN-2367-4814  (Impact factor 0.138).

  21. A.M. Khan, R. K. Kumbhat, Amit Chouhan and Anita Alaria“On Generalized Fractional Integral Operators and M-Series” Journal of Mathematics (Hindawi Publishing Corporation), Vol. 1,(2016), pp.1-10, Article ID-2872185, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/2872185.(Scopus Indexed)

  22. Khan, A.M. “Modified Double Zeta Function and Its Properties” Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. (6), 2016, pp.159-167, (ScientificResearch Publishing) http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/apm.2016.63013 (ISSN Online: 2160-0384, Impact factor 0.55)

  23. A.M.Khan and Amit ChouhanApproximate Solution of the Fractional Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model by Modified Variational Iteration Method” Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications (Egypt) Vol. 7(1)  (2016), pp. 147-153.http://fcag-egypt.com/Journals/JFCA/ (ISSN Online: 2090-5858).

  24. A.M.Khan, Amit Chouhan and Lalita Mistri “On Solving Abel Integral Equations Involving Fox H-Function” International Journal of  Computer Applications, selected articles in National Conference on Intelligent Systems (NCIS ) (2015), pp. 13-16. IJCA: www.ijcaonline.orgn(ISSN Online: 0975-8887, Impact factor 0.752).

  25. A.M.Khan and Amit Chouhan“Unified Integrals Associated with H-function and M-Series” Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications Vol. 6(2) (2015), pp. 11-16. (Egypt). http://fcag-egypt.com/Journals/JFCA/(ISSN Online: 2090-5858).

  26. A. M. Khan, Amit Chouhan and Satish Saraswat “On certain new Cauchy –type fractional integral inequalities and Opial – type fractional derivative inequalities” Tamkang Journal of Mathematics Vol. 46 (1) (2015), pp. 67-73 (Taiwan).doi:10.5556/j.tkjm.44.2013.1586 (ISSN online 2073-9826, SCI Impact factor-0.45).

  27. A. M. Khan“A Note on Matichev - Saigo –Maeda Fractional Integral Operator” Journal of Fractional Calculus and applications Vol.5 (2) (2014), pp. 88-95.

  28.  http://fcag-egypt.com/Journals/JFCA/ (ISSN online: 2090-5858).

  29. A.M.Khan "Complex Order – Distribution and Caputo Fractional Derivatives of the I-Function" International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Vol. 5(1) (2013), pp. 9-13. (ISSN online 2249-3247)

  30. (UGC Approved).

  31. A. M. Khan “Certain Properties of the I-function of r-variables & its Multiple Stieltjes Transform” Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications Vol. 4(6) Jan. (2013), 1-6. (Egypt)(ISSN Online: 2090-5858).

  32. Arif M. Khan “Multiple Mellin Convolution and I-Function Transformation involving r variables” International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research Vol. 1 (4) (2012), pp. 744-750 (Germany) www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/IJAMR. (ISSN: 2227-4324).

  • Conference – 35

  • Department of Mathematics, M.L.V. Govt. College Bhilwara (Raj.)


  • Department of Mathematics University of Lucknow.


  • The University of Rajasthan held at Jaipur (Raj.)


  • Organized by SobhasariaEngg.College Sikar


  • Organized by Jodhpur Institute of Engg. &Tech. at JIET Universe, Jodhpur


  • Organized by Jodhpur Institute of Engg. &Tech. at JIET Universe, Jodhpur


  • Organized by the Department of Management Studies, JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by N. C. Engg. College IsranaPanipat.


  • Organized by the Department of Management Studies, JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by Central University of RajasthanKishangarh Ajmer (Raj.)


  • Organized by Department of Mathematics & Statistics, J.N.Vyas University Jodhpur(Raj)


  • Organized by the Department of Hum.&So. Sc. JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by the Department of Computer JIET, Jodhpur (Raj.)


  • Organized by the Department of EE, in collaboration with DST Rajasthan JIET Jodhpur.


  • Organized by Department of Electronics and Comm.Engg.JIET, in collaboration Institute of Engineers, Jodhpur


  • Organized by the Department of Management Studies, JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by the Department of Management Studies, JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by the Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Commerce and Management J.N.V.University Jodhpur(Raj)


  • Organized by Lachoo Memorial college of Science &Technology Jodhpur (Rajasthan)


  • Organized by Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)


  • Organized by Mewar University, Chittorgarh (Raj.)


  • Sponsored by Computer Society of India &Initiations of Engineers. Organized by JIET Group of Institutions, Jodhpur, India.


  • Sponsored by DRDO ,Oil India Ltd. Jointly organized by Institute of Engineers India &JIET School of Engineering &Technology for Girls Jodhpur


  • Sponsored by Oil India Ltd. Jointly organized by Indian Society for Technical Education and &JIET Jodhpur


  • Organized by Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh India


  • Organized by BapuraoDeshmukh College of Engg. Wardha, Maharashtra INDIA

  • Organized by S.D. Technocrats Held at Hotel Shri Ram Excellence Jodhpur,


  • Organized by M.L.Sukhadia University, Udaipur (Raj.)


  • Organized by Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jodhpur


  • Organized by Vedant College of Engineering &Technology, Bundi Rajasthan


  • Organized by UCET (BTU) Bikaner Rajasthan.


  • Organized by Soft Computing Research society, New Delhi India


  • Organized by the Soft Computing research Society,


  • Organized by Anand International College, Jaipur

    International (Online)

  • Organized by Sri Ramkrishna college of Arts and Science Coimbatore


  • Book Publication/Chapter -06

  1. Engg. Mathematics Vol.1, for B. Tech Sem.- I National (Ramesh Book Depot) {ISBN:81-8142-351-8}

  2. Engg. Mathematics Vol.2 National (Ramesh Book Depot) {ISBN:81-8142-374-7,}

  3. Engg. Mathematics-III, for B-Tech Sem.-III National (Ramesh Book Depot) {ISBN: 978-81-8142-389-4,}

  4. Statistics & Probability Theory, for II B.Tech. Sem.- IV Main author National (Ramesh Book Depot) {ISBN:978-81-8142,414-3,}

  5. Comparative Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Co-author International/Lambert Academic Publishing (Germany) {ISBN: 978-3-330-01788-7}

  6. Differential Calculus “Co-author” National (Ramesh Book Depot) {ISBN:81-8142-374-9}

Affiliations –

  • Member, American Mathematical Society (AMS), USA.

  • Life member, Indian Mathematical Society, India.

  • Life member, Allahabad Mathematical Society, India.

  • Life member Rajasthan Ganita Parishad, India.

  • Life member, International Association of Engineers, Hong Kong.

  • Life member, the Indian Science Congress Association, India.

  • Life member, International society of research and development, London, UK.

Research Work Supervised  (Ph.D.-03, M.Tech.-01):

  • Ms. Anita Alaria: “A Study of Generalized Riemann-Liouville Operators and their Applications” at Poornima University Jaipur (Raj.), Registration No. PU/ASRC/Ph.D./SBA/015, Date of Registration- 02-11-2015, Date of Viva Voce - 24-02-2020 (Degree Awarded).

  • Mr. Pankaj Ramani: “Efficient Numerical Methods for Fractional Differential Equations and Their Applications” at Poornima University Jaipur (Raj.)Registration No. PU/ASRC/Ph.D./SBA/008, Date of Registration- 19-03-2015, Viva Voce-19-9-2020. (Degree Awarded).

  • Ms. Lalita Mistry: “Analytical and Approximate methods for Fractional Differential Equations and their Applications” from Poornima University Jaipur (Raj.), Registration No. PU/ASRC/Ph.D./SBA/016, Date of Registration- 02-11-2015, Date of Viva Voce-30-7-2021. (Degree Awarded).

  • Kshitija B. C.: “Comparative Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Coordinate Systems” M. Tech., RTU Raj. (Awarded) in Nov. 2016.

Academic projects

Funded Research Project: (2019-2021)

  1. Title - “Mathematical Modeling for Nano particle induced photo -catalytic degradation of dyes in textile effluents.”

    Agency - Collaborative Research and Innovation Scheme TEQIP-III (RTU/ATU) TEQIP III/ RTU / CRS/ 2019-20/ 02

    Period - 02 Year

    Grant/Amount Mobilized (Rs. in Lakh) - 02 Lakh

    Whether you are the Principal Investigator/ Co-Investigator - Yes

Courses Taught -

  • Calculus and Vector Analysis

  • Linear Algebra & Differential Equations

  • Statistics & Probability Theory

  • Integral Transform & Complex Variables

  • Differential & Difference equations

  • Quantitative Techniques

  • Optimization Techniques

  • Numerical  Methods

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