JIET Group of Institutions fabricated their final year project title "Micro Bot with Virtual Assistant.

JIET JODHPUR fabricated their final year project title Micro Bot with Virtual Assistant.jpg

Students of final year Electronics and Communication engineering at JIET Group of Institutions fabricated their final year project title "Micro Bot with Virtual Assistant. The project was guided by Prof.(Dr.) Sanjay B.C. gaur(Professor and HOD, ECE). 3 students teamed up to make this project a success, these included: Aditya Bafna, Sumit Chouhan, Priyanka Arora developed a prototype of human-friendly microbot with Virtual Assistant. Micro Bot using Virtual Assistant (also called an interactive robot) an interactive robot that can walk, dance, make sounds and avoid obstacles. It is human friendly. Raspberry pi compatible, which can give expressions and emotions, helps with time and daily management scheduling of meetings, solving simple calculations, update date, time, temperature, dance with simple steps for entertainment purpose, and give self-introduction.

It can also be used as a personal assistant which can make your routine work easier. Speech recognition is one of the most recently developing fields of research at both industrial and scientific levels. A growing number of people now talk to their mobile smartphones, asking them to send emails and text messages, search for directions, or find information on the web. The project aims at one such application. The project was designed keeping in mind that the system will provide interaction and entertainment. This will be useful for all the generations like in kids, to avoid direct contact with mobile phones Micro bot will help to narrate stories poems, etc, whereas in old age people it will remind about the medicine time via alarms, play old songs, jokes, etc. For youngsters, micro bot helps to schedule meetings, suggest low traffic routes, and keep aware of daily news.


Research paper in the 3rd National Conference on Medical Instrumentation, Biomaterials & Signal Processing


Students of final year Electronics and Communication engineering at JIET Group of Institutions fabricated their final year project title "Prudent Dross Management