"BEST ACHIEVER'S AWARD- 2021” to Dr. Alkeshwar Mathur


Creativity and calibre are two different sides of a personality. Study and hobby are opposite of each other as studies are supposed to be done to achieve a carrier, but hobbies are just time pass activities. The combination of academics with a science background and art & craft is rare. In this concern, Dr. Akleshwar Mathur would be an excellent example, an Associate Professor of Engineering Chemistry with good academic & research records ornamented with unique creativity in Art & Craft. Dr. Akleshwar Mathur is awarded as "BEST ACHIEVER'S AWARD - 2021" as the title of "BEST ARTIST AWARD" by MAGIC BOOK OF RECORD in the field of Art and Craft. He has been nominated and selected by the Judges based on creativity and art in various competitions organized over the years. A gold plated Trophy, a gold medal and a certificate of Appreciation have been awarded to him by Magic Book of Record.


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