JIET Jodhpur

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What are the steps to become an electrical engineer in the digital era?

Whenever it comes to digital, the first thing entering our minds is the internet, be it the online shopping apps or the favorite fashion website you follow. Even though this concept is somewhat true, considering the internet to be the only component of the digital world will be a huge mistake. This is because a digital technology can be a software, an electronic gadget or an electrical appliance. Their prime function will be to transmit, process, receive, and store data in the form of 0 and 1 or the binary numbers.

Some of the major examples of digital technologies that you see and use almost every other day are Instagram, automated door lock, fingerprint sensor lock, internet servers, and more. All these elements are regulated centrally with the help of chips, which contains microprocessors, micro-controllers, resistors, capacitors, opams, converter circuits, and so on. Since these components are mainly microelectronics, we often believe that it is the electronics and communication engineering graduates who play a major role in the manufacturing of the chips.

But that’s not the truth because electrical engineers too have a huge contribution for the development and advent in the chip industry. In this following article, we will speak about how the small, finger-sized IC chips have so much potential to decide the future of the electrical engineering graduates and why.

What are the probable reasons for the advancement of the global chip industry?

It’s quite unnerving to imaging that a small chip can change someone’s world but it is true. Before learning how this statement holds so much truth, let’s have a look at the reasons fueling the growing importance of the chip industry in the field of electrical engineering.

  1. Both the private and government organizations are trying hard to digitize everything, be it the appointment scheduling system or the manual efforts that need to be done in manufacturing and production units. As the plans have already started to kick in with full force, the demand for the chips have increased a lot since the past decade.

  2. With each passing day, improvements are introduced in the concepts of nano and micro technologies. Therefore, it’s pretty much evident why the chips are becoming so popular because designers can transform more complicated circuits into ICs.

  3. Chips are reducing the complexities of different circuits, even that of servers, cloud storage unit connections, and more. With such an advantage, most industries are demanding to have high-rated chips.

Industries depending on the chips and how

There are several industries whose performances and growth completely depends on the chips. For example:

i.  Automotive industry needs the chips as the car models are becoming more modern with tons of digital and automated technologies.

ii.  In the healthcare industry, chips are used for making the wearable, health tracking devices, systems, and more.

iii. It is indeed the IT sector where the chips are mostly needed to make the PCs, phones, and laptops.

Latest trends in the chip industry that will shape the future

In recent years, many new trends have been introduced into the market that can explain why electrical engineers have wonderful career options in this field.

  1. First of all, the Moore’s Law, base of electronics of CMOS and PMOS is never going to go out of practice anytime soon.

  2. If the performance of existing chips is measured, it will be slower which can be eliminated by introducing chips having voltage scalability features.

  3. With the help of advent in the chip industry, it will be possible for everyone to integrate heterogeneous systems to form the 3D models.

  4. Thanks to the logic gates of NAND and DRAM, non-volatile memory can be launched into the market which won’t erase the stored data easily.

Impact of the global chip industry on the education industry

With the advent of the global chip industry, the education system is on the verge of witnessing a huge revolution. On one hand, these changes will teach the aspiring electrical engineers to secure their futures, on the other hand, it will increase the difficulty which everyone might not be able to follow.


After understanding the possible growth of electrical engineers in the chip industry, several organizations like the Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology have undertaken the responsibility to teach the students with factual data and based on the global trends.

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