Top 7 reasons to choose electrical engineering

One of the most common types of engineering that most students opt for is electrical engineering. It concerns the study of electrical appliances, circuits, control systems, power plants and generation grids, etc. Nothing can work without electricity. So, completing a course in a related field is profitable.

Yet if you are not convinced, do not worry much! Here are 7 reasons that portray why one should consider electrical engineering.

Electrical engineering comes with golden career opportunities

One of the cornerstones of electrical engineering is the options for an outstanding career. You can work as a licensed technician, emergency electrician, design engineer, electronics engineer, etc. Some of the best career fields you can tap into are:

  1. Micro electrical engineer

  2. Communication engineer

  3. Design engineer

  4. Instrumentation engineer

electrical engineering

You can do further studies in different domains

Electrical engineering has a wide base. Most subjects taught during the four-year course can opt for master's. For example, one of the major subjects that most colleges and universities focus on is the control systems. Once you complete your graduation, you can easily opt for a master's in control systems and instrumentation. As a result, you can sharpen your skills and learn about a particular field concerned with electrical engineering.

It doesn't suffer from recessions

Most engineers are scared of recession, which is very common in the IT industry. But the world of electrical engineering is not bound by the clutches of recession. So, you won't have to fear losing your job or having a decreased paycheck due to lower revenues.

There will always be a demand for skilled engineers

Unlike other types of engineering fields, electrical engineering will always have a super high demand for skilled professionals. It doesn't matter whether you want to work in the service-based field or the product-based. The number of job opportunities for skilled professionals will always stay higher, at least for the next couple of years.

Electrical appliances form the basis of today's culture

We cannot leave without electrical appliances. The power that we get from our house mains comes from an electrical power plant. We can use phones and connect to the internet because the servers run on electricity. It is the base of technology, and with no expert, the base can collapse. This is why electrical engineering has higher options for a lucrative future career.

New technologies and inventions have fueled the industry

People are demanding more advanced and functional electrical appliances. Therefore, you can learn about more new technologies and develop advanced inventions or solutions. These two factors have fueled the growth of this concerned industry.

The pay scale for an electrical engineer is large

The starting salary of an electrical engineer is much higher, even if you are a fresher. This is due to the high level of skills required to work with different forms of electrical systems.


Now you know more about the benefits of choosing electrical engineering, your next task is to look for the best colleges. JIET, or Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, has emerged as one of the top colleges for electrical engineers.


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