The changing face of engineering in a post-COVID world

COVID has changed almost everything, from regular lifestyle habits to how businesses used to conduct their operations. Even though the impacts are varied and somewhat dramatic, the extent of changes can't be measured. Engineering is one such field where the changes have been extreme in the education industry.

Students were forced to a virtual form of education- something new and quite difficult to adapt to. Apart from this, conducting teachings, exams, and other such operations have also changed a lot. In this following article, we will shed light on how Covid-19 has changed the engineering world, seeing it as the future of technology and science.


The demand for skilled engineers has surged dynamically

Covid has proven that the gap between skills and requirements should be bridged at the earliest so that the world can deal with this kind of situation if it arises. For example, IT professionals had to learn new technologies and concepts to grab new job opportunities during the pandemic.

Similarly, chemical engineers had to work extensively to determine how vaccine production could be increased. So, post-Covid, the demand for skilled professionals will surge. Owing to this reason, colleges and universities will change their syllabus and include more recent concepts so that students can have the required skills.

Going for a master's education in engineering might be a solution

Another trend that can become a complete change in the engineering world is the increase in applications for masters. M.Tech or Masters in Technology offers more options for a student to explore a certain concept in-depth, regardless of the line.

Engineers can easily venture further and gain more skills with this higher education. As a result, they will be able to apply for better jobs. Companies can utilize the skills of these professionals to improve their operations and become more competent.

More new scopes for engineering will emerge

These new engineering types will evolve further from data science engineering to robotics engineering. These are based on new technologies and concepts that can revolutionize the world further and make them more competent to deal with any such crisis.

Also, there are high chances that the engineering world can again suffer from a recession. If that happens, students with this kind of next-level knowledge won't have to worry further about their careers.


Virtual education has now become a trend

Till 2019, the only form of education students knew was physical. They had to attend colleges and universities regularly. Time was consumed more, and by the time students completed the first half, their concentration and energy started to dwindle.

Because of this, many colleges are now offering remote education. This is more common in foreign universities where engineers can easily apply for their favourite education line and complete the degree.


In this article, we have presented a couple of scenarios that might happen in the engineering world post-Covid. While the changes and their extent are yet to be decided, students must prepare themselves to adapt to this new world.

Yes, it will be difficult at first, but sooner or later, it will become a trend. Many colleges or universities have already started to focus on these changes like syllabus transformation, more seats for masters, etc. One such institution is the JIET!


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