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Jobs of the Future: How AI is changing the automobile industry

AI is integrated into different parts of your life currently. Without your knowing, you are accessing and letting AI influence what you watch, what you order, what you listen to, and even what you eat. When you use online applications of any popular shopping, streaming, or food ordering company, the recommendation engine that tells you what you should try is an AI software that determines your likes and dislikes and offers you customized recommendations to simplify your life. This is just a small example of just how intimately AI is currently engaged with your life.

When it comes to the automobile industry, this is also the same. The primary role of AI is in the development and execution of self-driving cars that have been perfected by Tesla. Other than self-driving cars, which are an incredible feat for technology, AI is also being used to automate various other sectors of the automotive industry. Though the automotive industry is not the heaviest user of AI and other futuristic technologies, it is slowly increasing its use of AI and other technologies in various ways to automate various processes. What are the processes, and how is AI helping in those sectors? Let’s find out!

How AI is being implemented in the automotive industry

Car Designing

Car design is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a car. If it does not look good, it will not sell either. So, given that it is such an important part of the car’s life cycle, you might be surprised to know that a major part of it is actually handled by AI software. They go through enormous amounts of data to understand customer liking, needs, wants, and dislikes. Keeping all of this data/information in mind, the software tries to build a car design that meets all the requirements.

This process helps make cars that are more affordable, more in tune with the customer’s needs, and even safer in some cases. The best part is that it is happening right now, and major automotive companies are trying to perfect their AI software to ensure that they can make even better cars in the future.

Car Manufacturing

When it comes to the manufacturing of cars, AI, machine learning, and data science all of these technologies are being combined to teach robots and machines the process of building cars. Various big players in the automotive industry are currently utilizing various types of processes that use machines and robots to help human beings in the car manufacturing process. This innovation and new strides of technological achievements are being led by Tesla again, as they have been able to achieve over 75% automation of their entire car manufacturing process. This means that the Tesla factory has more robots and machines working than human beings.  

On the other hand, there are other car manufacturing companies like Hyundai that are approaching the process of technology in a different manner. Hyundai, the South Korean automobile manufacturer, has also been at the forefront of using technology to improve the process of car manufacturing by creating robotic exoskeletons that human workers can wear to help them manufacture the cars. This is a process that utilizes both human skills as well as the boons of technology.

Car User Experience

User experience is a significant differentiator that can help your product be successful or unsuccessful in the market. In the automotive industry, the user experience of the car is now being improved and personalized using AI software. The software picks up the behavioral habits of the user, such as favorite playlist, most used navigation route, car temperature settings based on weather. The software tries to automatically execute these simple gestures that improve the car experience of the user. This sector is also led by Tesla, which features industry-leading car user experience features that allow its users to swear by Tesla products.


These are some of the sectors in the automobile industry in which AI is being used to improve and bring significant change in the automobile industry. Given the current trends, it’s no longer a distant dream that humans and robots will work together in the same factory in a perfectly optimized car manufacturing process. Or on the contrary, a situation where human labor is removed from the equation and machines and robots are only used to manufacture cars.

As both of these visions come to life, it is crucial that, as students today, you take this opportunity to jump into a career in AI, especially if you are passionate about the automotive industry. If you are looking for a higher education institute that can give you the platform and knowledge to help you achieve your dreams, look no further than JIET DAT, the first and top-ranked AICTE-approved college in Rajasthan that offers futuristic technology-dedicated undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. For more information about JIET DAT, be sure to check out the college website.

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