“Don’t just speak the change, make the change !!”
About the club
The Robotics Club of JIET, Jodhpur, strives to stimulate interest in robotics among the institute's students. Besides making a challenging endeavor to spread knowledge on Robotics and its diverse applications. This exemplary virtue has bound the club and helped it grow to its present potential. The club has initiated under Dr. Sanjay Gaur and Dr. B. K. Singh (Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering) with the solitary objective of participating in the ROBOTICS competition.
A total of 230 members have already registered in this club. We firmly believe in working in a planned, organized, and disciplined manner that helps us with risk-free management. The proceedings of the clubs are all pre-planned and run smoothly according to the constitution. Well-defined goals, an organized and disciplined work structure, and motivated members are the club's features that have helped the club grow to a level where we see it now. Today, the club is an active platform for students to display and develop their practical machine-building skills and knowledge.
Student Coordinators
Club student head
Parth Sarthi Medatwal (II Year, IV Sem, ECE)