Corporate scholarships
Corporate scholarships
Sumedha Scholarships
Passed in XII with a minimum of 60%.
Family Income is less than 250000/- for All Category
Amount of Scholarship: - 10000 per annum
Process of Apply: - Apply offline
Tentative schedule: - 15 September
Sita Ram Jindal Foundation
Passed in Last Exam with a minimum of 80% for Male Candidates & 75% for
Female Candidates.
Family Income is less than 600000/- for All Category
Amount of Scholarship: - As per SRJF Norms but not less than 1200/- per month
Process of Apply:-
Fill out the form for the SRJF Scholarship.
Submit the form with documents to the student cell.
Tentative schedule: - 15 September
Life Insurance Corporation of India
This Scholarship is for only B.Tech 1st year Students
Passed in XII with a minimum of 60%.
Family Income is less than 100000/- for All Category
Amount of Scholarship: - As per LIC Norms but a minimum of 20000/- per annum
Process of Apply: - Apply online on the Site http://www.licindia.in/GJF_scholarship.htm
Tentative schedule:- 05 August