The National Board of Accreditation is one of the two major bodies responsible for the accreditation of higher education institutions in India, along with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council.
NBA stands for the National Board of Accreditation, which is an accreditation agency representing India in the Washington Accord (WA). The Washington Accord is an agreement between bodies that accredit or recognize higher-level engineering qualifications.
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1. What is the NBA accreditation, and how is it different from the UGC and the AICTE?
NBA is an accrediting body under AICTE, which simply means NBA will assess quality of institutions based on its own parameters (mentioned on their website) and give accreditation only if institute perform as per their standards. UGC and AICTE are recognition giving bodies under Government of India, which means they will see the capabilities of an institution and give approval for carrying out functions (not considering the quality of functions)
2.How does NBA Accreditation work?
Getting the NBA isn’t easy. NBA process is modeled to be supportive and consistent throughout. The standards for the NBA Accreditation are authorized by a peer review group which includes the GC (General Counsel), EC, (The Executive Committee) and AAC (academic Advisory Committee). It is based on the NBA Accreditation Criteria and parameters laid by the committee and its counsel that NBA evaluates programs of technical institutions.
Process of getting accredited through NBA
- Checking readiness for NBA and registering
- Preparation of Self Assessment Report (SAR)
- Applying for NBA and submission of SAR
- NBA team visit and evaluation
- Submission of evaluation report and recommendation by EAC
- Accreditation decision by the Academic Advisory Committee
It is only towards the end, on the whole team’s satisfaction with the successful documentation and compliance with the standards set, that the NBA Accreditation Process is given. NBA works alongside multiple stakeholders to ensure the programs offered prepare graduates with adequate fundamentals and professional competency, fitting enough to be recognized nationally and worldwide. It is also privileged to enhance the quality of education in any which ways. Promoting progressive changes concerning curriculum, monitoring assessment quality standards with well-thought-out objectives and guidelines are its areas of concern.
3. What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a process of quality assurance and improvement, whereby a programme in an approved Institution is critically appraised to verify that the Institution or the programme continues to meet and exceed the norms and standards prescribed by AICTE from time-to-time. It is a kind of recognition which indicates that a programme or institution fulfils certain standards. It is an accreditation agency representing India in the Washington Accord (WA). The Washington Accord is an agreement between bodies that accredit or recognize higher level engineering qualifications.
4. Why accreditation?
It is the acronym of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. Holding a NAAC accreditation symbolizes a greater standard of excellence across your institution’s operations. With NAAC, institutions get the opportunity to,
- Square out its efficiency
- Realize its highlights and challenges
- Work on improvement plans for the betterment
5. What is the impact of Accreditation?
The purpose and impact of accreditation goes far beyond quality assurance of an Institution and its programs. Major impacts of accreditation system are summarized below:
- Encourages quality improvement initiatives by Institutions.
- Improves student enrolment both in terms of quality and quantity.
- Helps the Institution in securing necessary funds.
- Enhances employability of graduates.
- Facilitates transnational recognition of degrees and mobility of graduates and professionals.
- Motivates faculty to participate actively in academic and related Institutional / departmental activities.
- Helps create sound and challenging academic environment in the Institution, and Contributes to social and economic development of the country by producing high quality technical manpower.
6. What are the benefits and significance of Accreditation?
Accreditation is a tool that stakeholders use to monitor, assess and evaluate the standards and quality of the education a student receives at a college, university or other institution of higher learning. Some of the major benefits enrolled students receive by attending an accredited institution / program are as follows:
- Accredited institution / program offers the highest quality education available.
- Accredited institution / program strengthens consumer's confidence, employers value degrees of an accredited program the most.
- Accreditation helps institutions to know their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, pushes them to continuously improve their programs and give them a new sense of direction, identity and targets and
- Accredited institution / program demonstrates accountability to the public, commitment to excellence and continuous quality improvement.
7. What are the benefits of graduating from an NBA (National Board of Accreditation) certified college?
It is a known fact that Technical institutions should mandatorily fulfil all specific criteria’s according to norms of NBA to get accreditation. The norms of NBA accreditation are in-line with international standards framed for technical institutions.
Graduating from NBA accredited institution indicates that the student has pursued his course from an institution that had -
a. Required infrastructure
b. Followed standard curriculum
c. Maintained required academic standards
d. Maintained standard evaluation systems.
e. Provided all the necessary research and training opportunities
f. Provided all the requisites for all round and overall development of the student
8. What are the benefits of NBA to students?
- Degree with International Technical Quality Standards
- Assurance of Best Quality Education
- Preference in placement of the students by MNCs and World Class employers
9. What is the purpose and effect of accreditation?
Accreditation pushes institutions to meet and maintain their high standards, in turn increasing trust and confidence in them among the public and boosting accountability. This helps potential students and their families to place a certain level of trust on the institution and course basis the accreditation received.
10.What are the main areas of NBA Accreditation?
- Mission, goals and objectives
- Faculty
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Students
- Research
- Extension and Community Involvement
- Library
- Physical Facilities
- Laboratories
- Administration