Why are internships during college are important?

Why are internships during college are important?

With the emergence and explosion of private sector companies in India, the hiring habits of companies have changed, so have their requirements in an ideal candidate. These changes have not reflected well in the educational curriculum of India, which led to students not being able to keep up with the changing times and changing industry requirements. 

Due to this problem, thousands of graduates from different fields of education find it difficult to find a job after their college education as they do not possess the practical skills necessary to get a job. So, how do you tackle this problem?

On a governmental level, the new education policy of 2020 plans to update the education system in India to match today’s needs; however, it will take years to implement and actually have an effect on the ground. So what is it as a student you can do today to gain the required experience and be job-ready after your college education? Internships!

Why? Let’s find out.

Why should you go for internships?

  • Industry experience

Working at an office is very different from attending lectures in a college classroom. You have to learn and know a variety of skills on command to be able to properly present yourself on the office floor of any respectable and reputable company. Your ability to call upon your skills and knowledge and apply it in real life to find meaningful solutions to real-life problems is what will help you become job-ready. 

When you are studying in college, due to the previous educational curriculum, there was a heavy focus on academia and theoretical education, which is seldom put to use in an office environment. Getting an internship will help you understand how to put your theoretical knowledge to practical use, which will define your value at a workplace and help you get placed in the future.

  • Learning opportunity

Often college curriculums teach you certain things; however, working in an office environment, you will quickly realise that the things you learned in college are fairly basic and out-of-date and not used anymore in most offices. So, to ensure that you actually know what skills to learn and what things to focus on in terms of your field of work, you have to get an internship. You will not only be able to learn about new technologies and how they are used in your field, but you will also learn how to work efficiently and be able to work on deadlines, and call upon your talents on command.

  • Job opportunity

An internship can very easily turn into a full-time job if you are able to prove your worth to the organisation and excel at the tasks that you are given. Internships are currently one of the best ways for you to get placement at engineering colleges at top companies around the world, especially in product-based companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and others where the opportunity for full-time employment directly is quite limited.

  • Learning about yourself

An internship can be a window to yourself as working in an office environment will let you know if you like what you do, if the position and career path are right for you, and if you are a good fit in the said office environment. These things are better learned at an initial stage through internships rather than finding it out after your graduation at a full-time job where you would have fewer opportunities to redirect your career. 


Internships are absolutely crucial for your success in today’s market. It improves your employability many times and will surely help you get better job offers and exciting pay packages thanks to your pre-existing industry experience right out of college. So, if you want to go for a career that rewards your hard work and passion for your line of study, get into internships today. You should also consider getting admission to some of the top colleges like Jodhpur Insitute of Engineering and Technology, which is the best autonomous private technical university in Rajasthan, for even better internship and placement opportunities.


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