What if you can't get through NID/NIFT?

While studying at either of these institutions is a dream for any aspirant, getting through the entrance exam becomes a nightmare due to the sheer number of applicants. The daunting statistics leave you questioning- what would I do if I couldn't make it on the first attempt? Is there even a chance for me? What if I fail again? Those facts can be very disheartening and discouraging, to say the least, which is why it is essential to have a backup plan.

What if you can't get through the NID/NIFT entrance exam? Are your dreams shattered? Is it time to give up on your passions? Are you among the unfortunate ones who did not make it through the NID exam? Have you been dreaming of joining a design college but could not due to your poor rank on the entrance test? Well, this is your lucky day. You can still get admitted to a good design college if you have a passion for designing and developing yourself professionally.

Section: Colleges will not be the only focus

So, what do you do if you are sure that design is your calling but you can't get through? If this question has been playing on your mind and you've started suspecting your decision to take up design as a career, let me tell you that life is about pursuing what brings you joy. It's essential to live the life that makes you happy and not what society prescribes to you.

Believe in yourself! Have faith in yourself, never leave any opportunity unattended and explore the best available option.

Definitely, NID/NIFT are reputed institutions, but that doesn't mean there is no other option available. There are various colleges available that offer a full-time diploma or degree program in design. Also, to pursue a career in design, college should not be your only focus. A college will play an essential role in building your career, but you also need to focus on your passion, learning, creativity, analytical thinking, etc.

Section: Convince your parents that you have a real passion for design

Your parents may be convinced that they want you to study engineering or medicine or management or marketing or finance or some other field that they think will be good preparation for your future. They want to make sure that you have a real passion for their field.

But they probably know less about design than you do. And nothing makes a designer more passionate about their work than seeing people using it and having lots of people use it.

So, how do you get your parents to understand, or, better yet, help you get them to understand?

  • First, you have to show them how well design matters. You have to show how much it has improved your life. You have to show them that design is fun. You have to show them how design has changed the world.

  • Second, you have to let them know that design is a field where it is possible to get into it even if you can't get through NID/NIFT. There are other good colleges to offer an excellent education.

  • Third, you have to let them know that design is not a field where you have to know everything going in. Design involves solving problems, and there are millions of issues waiting to be solved. At some point, you will want to specialize. But you do not need to know everything going in.

  • Fourth, you have to let them know that design is an almost recession-proof field. Design is a field that is never wholly mature. There is always something new to learn. There is always something new to improve. Design is an industry that changes more every year than almost any other. Design is a field where you will always need new skills to learn. Design is one of those creative fields where learning and innovation never ends.

Your parents might not believe that design is something that can be learned. But design is a field where you can learn it. And the sooner you start, the easier it will be. 

Section: You can still pursue a degree in design or fashion even after not clearing the NID/NIFT entrance exam

There are no absolutes about education. Skills are learned, and you can learn them anywhere. If you can't get into NIFT, that doesn't mean you can't study design or fashion. There are plenty of good design institutes available. 

Don't settle for a college just because its fashion or design program looks good. College is about learning, and anything you learn will probably be better where it's taught. So visit there, feel the vibes, talk to current students, talk to faculty members, clear your doubts and then jump on it.

You can also explore the various design courses in the article in the Best Design course in India.


If you have an interest in design, don't lose hope. You can still become a good designer without going through NID/NIFT. Don't give up on your dreams just because one door has closed on you. Fit your design education to your interests and passion. Research your options well enough. There's nothing wrong with pursuing your passion and dream career. 


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