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The Evolution of Programming Languages in The Past 10 Years

Programing language is the core of every software creation. Today, we live in a highly-digitalized world which is a result of advancements in programming languages. We often hear about different programming languages, especially Java script, python, etc.

The programming language used in today's application or software is the evolved version of the programming language. Here, we will discuss the evolution of programming languages in the past 10 years.

What is a programming language?

A programing language is a coded language that helps to run different programs like mechanical computers and devices to software programs like applications, websites, and many more. Programing language is created by using Mathematics and complicated syntax to communicate instructions.

In older times, programming languages were written in obscure syntaxes and mathematical expressions; they were highly complex and hard to understand. But, with time and innovation in the programming language field today, we can see a wide range of programming languages written in less obscure and understandable syntax to communicate instructions. Now, a programmer can use a programing language of their or their client's choice to build any program.

A brief history of programming language

Ada Lovelace was the first creator of programming language. Between 1842-49 she translated the memoir of Luigi Menabera (the famous Italian mathematician) about the proposed Analytical engine of Charles Babbage. Ada added detailed notes about the method of the Bernoulli number alongside the translation. Later, historians realized that her translations and notes were the first examples of programming language.

The first electrically powered computers were created around the 1940s. Konrad Zeus created a high-level programming language for his Z1 computer between 1942-45 but did not use it. The first functioning programming language, known as Short Code, was launched in the 1950s by John Mauchly.

The Short Code was the first high-level programming language designed with less complicated syntax and mathematical expression than the previous machine code. Soon, further innovations helped to create more efficient and understandable programming languages. But the main issue with the language is that it needs to communicate every time for the machine to run. This method slowed down the process of the computer running. And with time, we get revolutionary languages like python, Java, C++, and many other advanced ones.

Evolution in the past ten years

Since the first invention of programming languages, it continued to evolve and develop with time. The language changes in research and industry, similarly in application and system. The study of programming language in the past ten years will include most latest changes and innovation in programming languages and how it has grown in the past years.

So, let us take a quick look at the changes in programming languages over the past ten years.


In 2010, the programming language world developed a lot, and people already have access to some advanced programming languages. This year Java and JavaScript were the top two programming languages. Other popular choices of programming languages of the year include PHP, C, C++, and C#.


2015 was a big year for programming languages, where multiple new languages came into public access. This year Java and JavaScript remain in their previous position. Python replaced PHP and became the second most popular choice programming language. R, Objective -C, and Swift join the list as a new appearance in the programming language list.


By 2020 Python became the top-rated language and continues to stay at the top. JavaScript (not Java) got the second rank in popular choice. And other programming languages like PHP, Objective -C, C+, C, C++, C#, Swift, and R remain in the top 10 languages.


Along with Java, Python continues to be the relevant and most demanded language for various applications.


So, this is how programming languages evolved with time and how different languages made it to the top in a respective time period. And if you want to know more about Programing languages and want a career out of that, you can visit the Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajasthan campus.

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