Is pursuing an engineering degree at a private institution a good idea?

In India, you will get two different engineering colleges— government-based and private-based. Most people consider the former institutions, thinking that they might be more beneficial in several aspects, from fees to entrance exams. Had it been two decades ago, we would have preferred government engineering colleges over private ones.

But seeing the recent picture, we cannot say the same!

According to the studies from the past few years, it has been observed that admission rates for private engineering colleges are more than for government colleges. Now, the main question is why! In this following discussion, we will help you understand how private engineering college can help you in your engineering career.

State-of-the-art infrastructure

One of the cornerstones of studying at a private engineering college is the access to state-of-the-art infrastructure. Everything is improved from classrooms to laboratories, bathrooms, benches and desks, projectors, and so on to ensure that students can feel more immersive in their studies and learn with real-life examples. Such infrastructures aren't available in the government colleges.

Access to a flexible college lifestyle

Most private engineering colleges have introduced a flexible lifestyle to ensure students can study comfortably without feeling intense pressure. For example, you can find two break times in some college schedules or flexible college timings to suit your lifestyle. You can also seek permission from professors to study at the library or complete your projects during the third and fourth years.

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Improved amenities for students

You will get improved amenities from the medical room to the canteen and cafeteria in private engineering colleges. The same can't be said about government institutions. In fact, in most colleges, students have to bring self-prepared food because the cafeteria doesn't have a hygienic or variety in their menu. Similarly, most government colleges don't have common rooms for students to have some relaxing time, which is indeed a great minus point.

Highly knowledgeable and friendly faculty

Faculty, professors, and lab assistants at private engineering colleges are more knowledgeable than at government colleges. They know about the latest technological trends, no matter which domain we are talking about. Apart from this, they are friendlier and will always help you when you are stuck in a dire situation. This is one of the major benefits of private colleges that you won't find in government-based colleges.

Better career grooming and opportunities

You will be able to attend career grooming classes in a private engineering college where experts will discuss different roles and responsibilities in different industries. You will also know about your skills to get the job you desire. If you do not know how to develop those skills, you can approach the experts for consultation. Apart from this, you will also get a higher number of opportunities for internships and workshops through which you can learn more about the real-life work culture.


You have a clear idea of the differences between a private and government-based engineering college from the above explanation. As we have discussed the benefits of the private institutions, we are certain you won't feel apprehensive while enrolling yourself. At Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology (JIET), you will get all these facilities to help you complete your degree easily.


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