Is hotel management a good career option?

There are many perspectives that may be argued in favor of choosing a career in hospitality and tourism compared to careers in conventional fields such as engineering, medicine, and law. The first reason is a plentiful supply of jobs. There is every indication that the hospitality and tourism sector in India is on the upswing. The branding of India as a tourist destination, the rapid growth in the number of hotels, investment in infrastructure, government initiatives such as the launch of the & Aditi Devo Bhava Campaign, and the sheer variety of tourist offerings in India means that the sector's ambition of securing 1% of all global tourist traffic seems an imminent possibility. The tremendous shortage of hotel rooms has resulted in as many as forty international chains deciding to open hotels across the country. These hotels will require to be staffed adequately. It is because of this that a career in tourism and hospitality is a much-recommended option. Many jobs are projected to become available in the near future. There are many job options that various new branches of tourism and hospitality have made possible in India.

Tourism is the only industry that has continued to grow at an average rate of 9% since 2008, despite the global economic slowdown. The hospitality sector offers several opportunities for entrepreneurship as well. Another reason to choose a career in the hospitality sector is the sheer variety of jobs available in the hospitality and tourism sectors. These include aviation, hotels, medical, educational, adventure, wildlife, cultural, and pilgrimage tourism. For example, India is fast becoming a preferred destination for medical tourism, and the country is projected to become the largest market for wellness tourism. The country is already the fifth-largest domestic airline market. It may be inferred from this that, on the one hand, there is a growing demand for well-trained, qualified, and talented individuals. On the other, there is a shortage of supply. To bridge this gap, there are many opportunities for young people who wish to explore an alternate career in the hospitality sector. Likewise, several opportunities exist for people with suitable skills and qualifications in the other aforementioned sectors. Cleartrip – an online portal that allows an easy and convenient way of booking tickets and planning trips. 

Zomato helps people discover good dining options near them are just two examples of the variety of entrepreneurial opportunities present in the hospitality sector. Detours India gives visitors to a particular city an opportunity to sample the local cuisine. These are just some of the entrepreneurship possibilities that the hospitality sector throws up. A last but no less important reason for choosing the hospitality industry is that temperament. Not all individuals are born analytical or enjoy working with machines or doing paperwork. For those individuals who enjoy working with people, love to travel, have a pleasing and outgoing personality, immaculate grooming, communication and language skills, good interpersonal skills, willingness to learn, and capacity for hard work, it may confidently be stated that the hospitality sector offers a far more satisfying and lucrative career than other more popular and frequently patronized career options. For these individuals, the hospitality sector offers ample scope for education, growth & development, highly competitive remuneration packages, the opportunity to travel, and job satisfaction as well.


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