Is AI engineering hard?

Haha, exciting question. Before answering this question, let me try to give you an example. What if I ask you to climb a tree? Your obvious answer will be, what a big deal in it. I can climb it easily. Even anyone can do it with basic knowledge, Right.

But what if I tell you to climb a tree of Phoenix dactylifera (commonly known as date or date palm?) You will always think twice before answering. And you will compare like if I can climb this typical tree, then I could also mount it.

So it's not like which branch of engineering is hard. It all depends on your skill sets. If you have some essential skills, you are good at getting into the world of AI. 

At some point, you will discover that artificial intelligence or machine learning is just the representation of how humans learn and think. We see and detect objects reflected in the constitutional neural networks, for instance, or how our brain is organized, and AI is just the "imperfect" way to emulate it.

On the other hand, AI requires some prerequisites in Mathematics and Computer Engineering more than the interest in learning and exploring this new technology. In fact, one can learn AI in a matter of months provided they program and code regularly and apply the algorithms, do the experiment periodically, and get their hands dirty on live projects. 

Let's understand more about AI engineering.

Hundreds of thousands of jobs are opening and aren't being filled in artificial intelligence/machine learning. A study by the University of Texas recently concluded there might be over 400K Jobs in the next few years. They aren't being filled due to technical debt. That's the word the industry use to politely say you don't have the skills to do the job, and we don't have the time or the will to train you. So it's the right time to get into AI/Ml engineering, acquire the skills, and be future-proof.

The global artificial intelligence market size was valued at USD 39.9 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 42.2% from 2020 to 2027. So even by seeing this massive growth, you probably miss out on something if you are not jumping to pursue engineering in artificial engineering. 

Here are some applications of Artificial Intelligence:

  • e-commerce

  • Navigation

  • Robotics

  • Human Resource

  • Healthcare System

  • Marketing

  • Automobiles

  • Gaming

  • Agriculture

You can pursue your career in any field of interest after completing this course. Do remember, No one can stop you if you kneen for learning.


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