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Impact of new education policy 2020 on higher education

2020 was a landmark year for the Indian education system as after 34 years since 1986; a new education policy was introduced in the country. The new education policy that was introduced had mixed reception from different sections of society, but regardless of its reception, the new education policy is a step forward in India’s education policy that stores a lot of changes and departures from the current system that exists.

The educational system and its needs have changed significantly over the last 34 years around the world, and the new Indian education policy has provisions that are going to be in favour of students and help them realise their goals and aspirations without having to compromise their educational journey. The segment that is going to be most revolutionised from the new policies is the higher education sector in India. So, let’s look at the impact of the NEP on higher education in India.

The impact of NEP on higher education

  • Foreign universities can now set-up campuses in India

India, which houses one of the largest populations in the world, has a considerable young population that is placed in various parts of the world for purposes of quality education. To stop the brain drain and reduce the migration of Indian talents to foreign countries, the NEP has brought provisions that allow Indian education to go global. According to the NEP, Indian universities will go global and also allow the top 100 global universities to set up campuses in India. These foreign institutes will be given special dispensation on regulation and educational curriculum as autonomous colleges in India.

  • Four year graduation courses with multiple exit & re-entry options

One of the key changes to higher education in India with the NEP is that all graduate-level courses except for medical and law are being changed to four-year multidisciplinary courses. There are multiple benefits of this course curriculum change. Firstly, this allows students to have a more in-depth and practical understanding of their subject that is required for making students job-ready.

The multiple exits and re-entry options allow students that want to drop out an opportunity to get a degree corresponding to the amount of time in the four-year course they have stayed in college. Even after dropping out, their scores and academic credits are protected in a credit bank to ensure they can come back and finish their degrees whenever they want. This will allow students to pursue their dreams in various careers without the fear of missing out on the opportunity of studying.

  • Focus On Education In Regional Languages

One of the complaints about education in India was its requirement of knowing and learning all college-level education in English. This creates a problem, especially for students that have completed their school-level education in regional languages. So, to combat this issue, the NEP is planning to introduce e-courses that are available in regional languages to ensure everyone gets an equal opportunity at getting education. Studying in regional languages will also help more companies change their hiring habits and give equal opportunity to students regardless of their English speaking skills.

Final Thoughts

The NEP 2020 is historical, to say the least, because of the progressive and modern steps it promises. These policies are sure to help students of the coming generation in receiving world-class education in India from Indian institutions. Keeping the points mentioned in the articles in check, it is sure that the new education policy is sure to have a great impact on higher education as the policies are slowly rolled out. To ensure that you as a future college student get the best benefits of the NEP policies, be sure to enroll at top institutes such as Jodhpur Insitute of Engineering and Technology, which is the best private autonomous engineering college in Rajasthan.