How to choose a career after 12th?

Most parents and students consider Class 12 the toughest stage in the academic phase. While the perception is true to a great extent, it is not the ultimate truth. The moment you pass your 12th, a far bigger challenge awaits you — choosing a proper career field where you can excel and secure a high—paying job. With the fast-paced acceleration in the Indian educational industry, you now have many career options after finishing school.

But the problem comes when you have to make a choice. As you don't know the course programs, what things you will be taught, the availability of career opportunities, and more, the selection process is difficult. If you make a wrong choice, there is no going back. So, to help you out of this dire situation, we have prepared a comprehensive career guide for students studying in the 12th standard or have already given the boards and are awaiting the results.

How to choose a career after 12th?

Decide your future goals and aims

The first step towards career choice post 12th is listing your future goals and aims. For instance, if you want to become a professor, you must choose a career option with more job prospects for a teacher or professor. Similarly, if you want to do a job in the corporate world, you must choose a career in computer science and information technology, like B.Tech in computer science or BCA.

Check the details of every course option

Once you have shortlisted different career lines, go through the course details. It will let you know more about the duration of the concerned course, the subjects you will learn throughout, the labs you will attend, etc. These information sets will make the decision easier for you because you will be able to sort out the most feasible career options.

Analyze the prospects

Another major thing you have to consider is the prospects of your chosen career options. If the academic line doesn't offer a myriad of future jobs or opportunities, then there is no point in proceeding further with it. On the contrary, if a course offers you tons of job opportunities, try to stick with that choice.

Go through the costs and expenses

Last but not the least, you should check the cost of the academic field you have chosen. If you do not have the financial provision to bear all the expenses, you can opt for organizations with scholarship programs.


Now that you are aware of the steps to choose the best career after 12th standard, it's time you leave all work behind and a day or two. This is enough to analyze the course options, their prospects, and your existing skills.


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