Future studying blockchain in college

Blockchain technology is perhaps one of the most remarkable developments in information technology in recent years. The added security and ability to evade tampering and data manipulation problems have helped various industries, especially those dealing with data. The integration of blockchain technology has immensely helped industries such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. But is the opposite true as well?

Yes, the opposite is AI, ML, and DS helping blockchain become more secure and scalable are valid. Together these technologies are helping in shaping the future of technology and data in the world and are proving to be some of the best and brightest career paths for the future in science. So, what is the future of studying blockchain technology in college? Let's explore!

Blockchain education in college

Currently, blockchain as a reliable method of education in colleges is not available in India. To study blockchain technology, you would have to do it on your own with the help of online courses. Certain futuristic technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science have become available as dedicated study courses at India's graduate and postgraduate levels. Studying B.Tech in AI, ML, and Data Science and pursuing blockchain education on the side can be very beneficial for you. How? Let's see the benefits.

Why you should go for AI, ML, or DS education first

As unique as blockchain technology is, to make it into a career, you will need to have good knowledge of the other aspects of futuristic technologies such as AI, DS, and ML. Combining your expertise in both blockchain and the other technologies mentioned will help your career immensely in helping you become a top expert in your industry.

A career in futuristic technology depends mainly on students' scholarly input. Having multiple degrees with hands-on experience in various technologies is just the barrier to entry into these fields. So for you to pursue blockchain, you will need to get multiple degrees, some of which might not be possible for you to follow since the Indian education system does not offer them yet. 

You can go for online courses generally at the postgraduate level, so to make the most out of your career, the best thing for you would be to go for a degree in AI, ML, or DS, followed by a master's education in blockchain or a masters education in AI, ML, or DS. A certificate course in blockchain, depending on the specialization you want to pursue. This way, you will be able to utilize the best of your time and efforts to create a successful career in these fields.

Use of AI & ML in blockchain building

ML systems can be used to make blockchain networks smarter because ML systems can use the data to improve the blockchain network's security, reliability, and other factors. Similarly, AI is used to enhance the safety of the blockchain network by using AI to keep track of the audit trail. Since AI models can process data at remarkable speeds, they can help the business-based blockchain networks become smarter. These are some ways ML or AI is used for creating blockchain networks.


Blockchain, AI, ML, and DS are the future of the IT industry, and they work hand in hand with each other. If you choose a career in any one of them, you will be able to later switch to a different technology with the help of certificate courses. So, if you want to start your career in these futuristic technologies, be sure to contact JIETDAT. JIETDAT is the first and top-ranked college in Rajasthan that offers dedicated degrees for futuristic technology courses like DS, ML, and AI. For more information about the JIETDAT curriculum and courses, check out the college website.


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