Difference in engineering and other degrees?

When you think of engineering, you think of machines being operated and built, high-tech computers and specialized professionals working hard to build new things. Pretty self-explanatory picture, right? So, what’s its difference from other educational curriculum? Engineering is a technical education degree that has specific prerequisites. It also takes four years to complete instead of three, which is typical for undergraduate degrees. These are some of the fundamental differences; let’s delve deeper into this topic to better understand how engineering is different.

5 differences between engineering & other degrees

Four years of study

Engineering degrees have a four-year course compared to the three-year study course of most undergraduate programs. Given that engineering is a professional course that focuses on the employability of students, the extra fourth year is dedicated to training students with industrial experience as well as projects that can help them get placed after graduation. This extra year allows students to get placed right after college and start their professional journey if they choose.

Engineering is not subject-based

When you think of college education, it is focused on a particular subject, right? Not for engineering, it’s not. Engineering as a curriculum is focused on various streams rather than any particular subject. This is because any particular subject can not completely encapsulate a complete branch of engineering, so you need to master several subjects in order to be an engineer making the course slightly more difficult.

No Honours

Undergraduate programs have the option of completing with honours or just passing the course. In engineering, you don’t have that distinction. You can only pass or fail your engineering degree, and there are no special benefits or provisions for honours students. So regardless if you want to go for a professional career or higher education in engineering, not having an honours degree will not stop you.

Campus placements

Engineering as a technical degree is job-focused. This means students of engineering are offered jobs right on campus through placement drives organised by various companies. This option is mostly not available for general degree students as their education is more academic than job-focused. Top engineering institutions with best placements provides students the opportunity stand out of the crowd.

Great focus on PCM

If you are studying general courses, you may or may not have to worry about Physics, Chemistry, and Math (PCM); however, that’s not the case for engineering. PCM is one of the core fundamentals of engineering, regardless of the stream you choose. So, if you want to pursue engineering, you have to have a strong interest in PCM and also be able to understand complex concepts of these subjects.


Given the current socio-economic scenario, the Engineering option appears to be a much easier line to pursue in the long run. A degree in classic fields such as computer science, electronics, electrical, mechanical, civil engineering, and contemporary areas like data science, cyber security, artificial intelligence, or the Internet of Things can lead to a successful and fruitful professional career.

However, it starts with choosing the right college that can give you the platform you need to move forward in your career. So, if you want to go for the best engineering colleges, indeed check out the Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology for their excellent engineering courses.


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