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Computer Science vs Other Courses - How traditional courses are losing value

Every year India produces over a million engineers from various disciplines. Given the limited capacity that companies around the world can absorb students, traditional engineering graduates are finding it harder to get placements. This is mainly because traditional engineering courses have certain flaws that cost students when they get placed and start working at major companies.

You will commonly hear engineers saying that their job and their educational curriculum are nothing alike. They feel out of place and often fail to excel in their career because the engineering curriculum of traditional engineering courses, such as Computer Science Engineering in India, has not changed much since its start in 1981. The age-old curriculum still focuses heavily on theoretical understanding of subjects more than practical-based learning. This causes students and new job holders to find it challenging to cope with their jobs because jobs, on theother hand, focus solely on practical knowledge and do not rely much on theoretical understanding.

Let’s look at some of the shortcomings of traditional engineering courses and how they affect students. After that, let’s look at new engineering courses and how they are different and better in helping students be more job-ready.

Why Traditional Engineering Courses Are Losing Value

  • Coding & Programming Languages

It’s easy to see that coding and programming languages are a key part of computer science engineering. However, most students of the stream can attest that the languages that students have learned in their college curriculum are almost never used professionally in their workspace. Given that students don’t learn these new languages at college, they have to spend a lot of time at the office to learn these languages, which hampers and slows down their ability to progress in the field.

  • Outdated Curriculum

Some of the subjects in the computer science curriculum are no longer used professionally. Subjects such as data structures and compilers are great for learning the theory behind programming. Still, they are seldom used professionally anymore, even by companies that are trying to develop new programming languages. So, given these subjects are major subjects in the curriculum, their lack of practicality forces students to learn things that won’t actually be valuable for them in the workplace.

  • Other Challenges

Computer science courses focus intensely on theoretical concepts that have great academic value but very little practical application. This creates a gap for students in their knowledge, as the practical skills that are necessary to excel in the workplace are only touched upon by course curricula in India. This results in students that have excellent academic knowledge but very little practical depth to solve the problems at work without external training, education, and help.

These are some of the main problems faced by traditional engineering courses such as Computer Science. Modern engineering courses have changed their curriculum to focus more on job-specific skills to deal with these problems. Let’s look at some of the benefits of modern engineering courses.

Benefits Of Modern Engineering Courses

Modern engineering courses understand the limitations and drawbacks of traditional courses. They corrected them by becoming more specific and niche-oriented, helping students learn the necessary job-ready skills in one subject rather than having just surface knowledge in almost all subjects. Intuitive knowledge in a specific subject also helps students have better knowledge of their subjects and helps them get better placements and rank up in their careers faster. These courses also focus heavily on practical and project-oriented learning that forces students to utilize their knowledge and channel them into problem-solving skills.

Now that you understand the benefits of modern engineering courses, if you are an aspirant, be sure to check out JIET DAT for modern engineering courses in AI, ML, and data science that can help you start a future-proof career in engineering and science. For more information about JIET DAT, which is the first AICTE-approved college to provide AI & ML engineering courses in Rajasthan, be sure to visit their website.

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