Career opportunities in artificial intelligence engineering


With the growing popularity of the use of artificial intelligence in almost all industries, students now realize the potential of jumping on to the trend in the early stages so they can be experts in the field when the demand for the AI industry is truly realized. However, given that the industry is quite new, students don't fully understand the career opportunities that they can avail themselves of after education in AI engineering.

In terms of career opportunities, there are various job titles that will suit your skill set, but there is an important distinctive factor. Given that the AI industry requires students to be experts in various fields, you have to garner experience and be very good at your studies to ensure you are eligible for the best career opportunities after your artificial intelligence education. With that being said, let's look at some of the best career opportunities you can avail of after your artificial intelligence engineering education.

3 career opportunities for artificial intelligence engineers

Business intelligence developer

The primary job role of the business intelligence developer is to work with large sets of data in order to improve the profitability of the business and improve organisational efficiency to improve the workflow. They also try to read into the latest business trends and dissect them to be implemented at the organisation as per their needs. With their work, they can optimize the workflow at the organisation while finding out ways how you can improve the business's profitability.

To be eligible for this position after your education, you need to have excellent scores and some work experience in the field to get the best career opportunities in this field. You can expect a very handsome payout if you get placed at some of the top companies in the world. Even if you don't get top placements, given the increasing demand in this sector, you can soon switch your company after getting some practical project experience for better pay.

Big data engineer

A big data engineer works to utilize big data to find smart and effective solutions to major business problems. They work with large data sets and try to maintain, manage, and use the data to create business outcomes that help optimize and improve the business. In case the organisation does not already use big data, their work also comprises effectively administering big data into the business ecosystem.

In order to be a successful big data engineer, you have to complete your computer science engineering education with a specialization in artificial intelligence. You will also need to have some prior experience in the field to get the best placements. In terms of payout and demand, this is one of the major career opportunities in AI, so it comes with a considerable payout if you are at the top of your field.

Data scientist

If you have chosen to become a data scientist, the first thing you have to master is pure mathematics. The role of a data scientist differs from that of a data engineer. A scientist focuses more on creating solutions by working with data trying to find patterns and then using the patterns to make inferences and predictions that can positively impact the business. To be a successful data scientist, you would also need to have some experience using some of the popular programming languages in the field, such as Python and Scala.

Advanced degrees in mathematics with a great understanding of computer science are crucial for being a successful data scientist. Given that the barrier to entry is quite high in this field, the students who cross these barriers are absorbed by some of the top companies in the world and get great pay packages upon joining.


Artificial intelligence engineering is a field that focuses highly on academic excellence. You have to work very hard to master different educational streams simultaneously. So, essentially, you need a helping hand, a proper higher education college that can guide you and help you with a curriculum that will help you reach your true potential. If you are searching for a college where you can get the facilities mentioned above, be sure to check out JIET DAT for the best artificial intelligence and machine learning-specific engineering courses in Rajasthan. They also provide placement support and internship opportunities for students so that they can get placed at the best companies around the world as AI or ML engineers. For more information about their curriculum, be sure to check out the college website.


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