AI, ML or Data Science? Which is the Best Path to Take?

Artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning all fall under technologies that are considered futuristic. These career fields require expertise in various levels and subjects in order to be eligible for jobs. However, once you do get into the industry, it is quite rewarding, and you can expect significant growth prospects with some industry experience. However, when it comes to choosing/selecting between these courses in futuristic technology, people often get confused.

Well, the confusion on a surface level may seem fair because if you explain in one line, it may seem that all of these career paths have similar job roles and career trajectories. However, that is absolutely untrue. All of these career paths are very different from each other, and you will get to know that when you are associated with any of these specific career paths. So, how can you make your choice? Let’s find out!

How To Choose Between Data Science, ML, & AI

There are many factors that can be used to compare and help you make the right choice, but of them, three concepts are more important than the others. Those three factors that you should use to make the right decisions are:


This is perhaps the most important factor because your interest primarily decides your career path, and it is that interest that keeps you invested and willing to excel in your career down the line. So, it is essential that you understand your interest and use that to make the right decision.

If you are interested in building software, writing code, or understanding the fabric of language and human intelligence and exactly how it works, you should go for a career in artificial intelligence. If your interest is more towards being logical and thinking of things in terms of coding and trying to put real-life incidents into programming contexts, you should go for a career in machine learning, where you will be able to use your logical and programming concepts to teach the computer, human concepts using code. Lastly, if you are interested in research, numbers, statistics, and data analysis, you should go for a career in data science.

The interest points mentioned above are very surface-level and should only be used for a very preliminary understanding of these subjects. Once you make a choice, you should always research more about it before making it final.

Job Opportunities

Now once you have a sense of your interest, you should look at the job roles and opportunities that are available in each field. This will give you an idea of just what you will be doing for a major part of the rest of your life. If you don’t feel interested after studying the job roles, be honest with yourself. It is much easier and better to choose a career that you are passionate about from the get-go instead of choosing a career that you have to switch midway. Now that you are clear on that, let’s look at what the job roles are like in each of these industries.

Job Opportunities in AI

  • Working at some of the biggest tech companies in the world while helping in the development, deployment, and maintenance of software such as:

  • Recommendation engines are used for most streaming platforms and e-commerce websites.

  • Personal assistants like Cortana that is developed by Microsoft.

Job Opportunities in ML

  • Your work includes developing intelligent software that can learn and improve itself based on the inputs of the user. For example, you would be working on software such as:

  • Navigation software that shows live traffic updates of the roads in your route.

  • Video surveillance software is used to monitor surveillance footage and prevent any crime or accident from happening.

  • Email software, especially the spam box of email software, identifies spam mail by itself.

Job Opportunities in Data Science

  • Working on research and development of software and algorithms.

  • Working on developing software that can study and compute large data sets.

  • Developing software that helps make data-based business decisions to improve and optimize any business.

Industry Growth

The expected industry growth in all of these fields is expected to be similar. Even though they are different, these technologies and jobs do work on a similar plane, and they often need to collaborate with each other to function. So, given the current state of the world, where more and more companies are now investing in these technologies, the growth in demand that you see today will continue to grow steadily for all of these career paths. So, for you to make the most of it, you should choose the path that excites you the most and start your career on that path.


For you to succeed, you need the platform and knowledge in AI, Ml, and data science subjects that only a top college can provide, like JIET. JIET is the first AICTE-approved technical college in Rajasthan that offers a world-class curriculum and courses in futuristic technology like data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. For more information about their curriculum, please check out the college website.


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