3 core engineering branches and why to choose them

Engineering has become one of the most popular education fields in recent times. However, students always find themselves in a very tight position when they have to choose the perfect branch without knowing whether their future goals will be fulfilled or not. As a result, they get confused and choose the wrong course program that does not lead them to their destination. This can cause serious problems, especially when discussing the market where job opportunities are given only to skilled and knowledgeable individuals but not based on their marks. Therefore, if you think your credit will help you get a job, you are walking in the wrong direction.

Core Engineering Branches

As there are three major core fields in the engineering Industry, students usually have more questions about these branches than software or information technology engineering. Unfortunately, not many sources are there that can answer their questions perfectly. Keeping this in mind, we have discussed these three fields in detail and mentioned why they have become so popular.

Mechanical engineering

The first industry we will focus on from an engineer's perspective is mechanical engineering. It is the first core field that most engineers opt for due to the versatility of the branch. In addition, the course curriculum is designed so that mechanical engineers can learn about all innovative and new technologies from an early age. As a result, it becomes easier for them to find the best jobs for themselves once they graduate.

Apart from this, it is further popular due to the following reasons:

  • First, mechanical engineering offers students the opportunity to find jobs in multiple fields, from aeronautical to automobile.

  • Mechanical engineers can find jobs in both the private and government sectors, which is why they have more opportunities than anyone else.

  • The responsibility of a mechanical engineer is quite complex and more important than any other engineer because they are responsible for designing and manufacturing frameworks that form the basics of everything.

Electrical engineering

Another major course program belonging to the core field is electrical engineering. From the name itself, you can understand it is related to electricity and electrical appliances. In addition, a student also needs to learn about power systems, control systems, and so on. Therefore, the number of opportunities is very high, so students should not refrain from studying electrical engineering once they complete their 12th education.

Some of the main reasons why they must opt for electrical engineering are:

  • Electrical engineering is needed almost anywhere because nowadays, everything runs on electricity.

  • Without electrical engineers, there is no point in the existence of life at present because the power generation systems will be shut down completely.

  • When you face any problem at your home with the electrical connections and appliances, an electrical engineer comes to your help.

Civil engineering

Lastly, civil engineering has become one of the top educational branches owing to its lucrative future.

As a civil engineer, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • A civil engineer is responsible for the strength and stability of any foundation. Therefore, you will get more opportunities to find the best job and become the most fantastic employee.

  • You can work in two ways. If you want a desk job, you will be responsible for managing the designs, connecting with the vendors to check the raw material supply conditions, researching and knowing more about the materials used in the manufacturing and construction industries, and so on. But other than this, you can also opt for the on-field job.


As you are now aware of the three significant core programs studied in the engineering field, it's time you start deciding what career path you would like for yourself and then choose the best course branch. You can also visit the JIET Jodhpur, Rajasthan campus for more details and information.


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