Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Department | Year of publication | Whether Published in Journal listed in UGC care list or scoupus 0r web of Sc./other indexed journal | ISBN/ISSN number |
Predicting the solution of fractional order differential equations with Artificial Neural Network |
A.M. Khan, Sanjay Gaur, D.L. Suthar |
ECE | Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics | 2024 | Yes Scopus Indexed Q1 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.padiff.2024.100690 |
Image Edge Detection by Global Thresholding using Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral Operator | Dr. Sanjay Gaur, Dr. A. M. Khan, Dr. Avnish Bora and Dr. D. L. Suthar |
ECE | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2024 | Yes, SCI (Q2) | https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/9266585 |
The artificial neural network selects saccharides from natural sources a promise for potential FimH inhibitor to prevent UTI infections | Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Insilico pharmacology | 2024 | yes WOS | 2193-9616 |
Predicting the solution of fractional order differential equations with Artificial Neural Network |
A.M. Khan, Sanjay Gaur, D.L. Suthar |
Applied Science | Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics | 2024 | Yes Scopus Indexed Q1 | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.padiff.2024.100690 |
Image Edge Detection by Global Thresholding using Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integral Operator | Dr. Sanjay Gaur, Dr. A. M. Khan, Dr. Avnish Bora and Dr. D. L. Suthar |
Applied Science | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2024 | Yes, SCI (Q2) | https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/9266585 |
Performance Analysis of Enlighten GAN on Low?Light Enhancement and Denoising |
Sanjay BC Gaur., Panwar Moomal |
ECE | Journal Inst. Eng. India Ser. B, Springer Nature | 2024 | Yes, Scopus (Q3) | https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-024-01004-3 |
Hybridization of Artificial Gravity Cuckoo Search Algorithm with XGboost-Particle Swarm Optimized Neural Networks for Cardiac Feature Selection | Dr. Sanjay Gaur Jaishree Parmar |
ECE | International Conference on Data Science and Applications, 2023?Springer | 2024 | Yes, Scopus | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-7817-5_33 |
Optimizing construction time, cost, and quality: a hybrid AHP-NSGA-II optimization model |
Sourabh Soni | Civil | Asian Journal of Civil Engineering | 2024 | Springer | 15630854 |
CBR Characteristics of Layered Black Cotton Soil Stabilized with Red Stone Dust and Geosynthetics | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | Journal of polymer and Composites | 2024 | Scopus |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Department | Year of publication | Whether Published in Journal listed in UGC care list or scoupus 0r web of Sc./other indexed journal | ISBN/ISSN number |
Strategic Synthesis of Diagnostic Novel Materials Against Infectious Diseases | Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In book Point?of?Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases by Wiley VCh Germany |
2023 | yes scopus | ISBN:9783527350452 |
Lab?on?a?Chip Devices for Point?of?Care Infectious Diseases Diagnostics | Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In book Point?of?Care Biosensors for Infectious Diseases by Wiley VCh Germany |
2023 | yes scopus | ISBN:9783527350452 |
Data Science in Education | Dr Shaloo Dadheech | CSE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) | 2023 | yes | 2582-3930 |
Machine Learning Approach for Output Power Forecasting of Grid Connected Solar PV Plant in Madurai | Chandershekhar Singh and Akhil Ranjan Garg | EE | Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | 2023 | Scopus Indexed | 2085-6830 |
Investigating of micro and nano particle on AL composite | VIKAS DAVE | MECHANICAL | International conference on engineering and technological innovation for sustainable deveploment 2024 | 2023 | printing in process | |
Vibration suppression of flexible beam | CHETAN JALENDRA | MECHANICAL | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADNANCES IN ROBOTICS | 2023 | Scoupus | |
Robot vision based control strategy to suppress residual vibraton | CHETAN JALENDRA | MECHANICAL | emerad publishing | 2023 | Scoupus | |
Impact of Red Stone Dust and Polymer Fabric in Enhancing the Properties of Black Cotton Soil | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | Journal of polymer and Composites | 2023 | Scopus | |
Utilization of waste materials in manufacturing of bricks | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | AIP - | 2023 | AIP conference proceeding-Scopus | |
VALOUR OS Operating Software Environment | Vikas Jaiswal, Madhavi Vaidya | Technology | Project Innovations in Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology of12th Project Innovation Contest 2023 | 2023 | Others | 978-93-94318-07-6 |
Controlling Project Execution in the Era of Soft Computing and Machine Learning | Dr. AMIT KHARE | Technology | Intelligent Computing and Networking Proceedings of IC-ICN 2023(Springer)-Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume 699 | 2023 | SCOPUS(Springer) | ISSN 2367-3389 (electronic) |
An Evaluation of clustering algorithms for addressing security issues in cloud computing | Dr. Rakesh Saxena | Technology | UGC Care-1 | 2023 | UGC Care-1 | ISSN 0970-2555 |
Mannose: a potential saccharide candidate in disease management Medicinal Chemistry Research (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00044-023-03015-z |
Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Medicinal chemistry research | 2023 | YES scopus | ISSN 1054-2523 (print) ISSN 1554-8120 (electronic) |
Data Science in Education | Dr Shaloo Dadheech | CSE | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) | 2023 | yes | 2582-3930 |
?A Survey on Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm? | Dr. Sanjay Gaur Jaishree Parmar |
ECE | 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences & Technology (ICETEST), 2023 Atlantis Press- Springer Nature |
2023 | Yes, Scopus | |
Investigation of 2D nanomaterials on Indium Phosphide-based plasmonic devices for sensing in the optical communication band | SAMBHAVI SHUKLA | ECE | CONFERENCE PUBLICATION | 2023 | - | Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-4726-5 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-4727-2 |
"Fault Prediction and Analysis Techniques of Solar Cells and PV Modules | Mr. Rajiv Vyas ,Mr. Nitin, Mr. Paramjeet, and Ms.Smita | EE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882 | |
"IOT Enabled Refrigerator | Mr. Pratik Bhansali,Mr. Kartikey Jangid ,Mr. Khushvindra Vaishnav, Mr. Devendra Singh | EE | International Journal Of Innovative Research in Technology | 2023 | ISSN: 2349-6002 | |
?Automatic Solar Photovoltaic Cleaning Bot | Mr. Pratik Bhansali,Ms.Sonu Meghwal, Ms.Neha Purohit | EE | International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2023 | ISSN: 2582-5208. | |
"Comparative analysis of simulated Dual Axis Solar tracker with its real time model " | Mr. Rajiv Vyas ,Mr.Mohd. Fahem, Mr.Rahul Patel, Mr.Rahul Tak | EE | International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2023 | ISSN: 2582-5208 | |
Trash Collecting Bot Implementation Using Arduino Uno | Ms. Ankita Purohit,Mr. Aryan Dubey, Mr.Abhishek Gaur, and Mr.Narang Jha | EE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882 | |
Intelligent Helmet | Ms. Ankita Purohit,Mr.Abhishek Pandey I, Mr.Abhishek Pandey II and Mr.Ansu Mathur | EE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882 | |
Improved IEC Based Thermal Modeling of Outdoor Power Transformers Based on External Environmental Factors" | Mr. Vinit Mehta and Dr. Jayashri Vajpai | EE | Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics | 2023 | ||
Multi Purpose Farming Electric Cart | ABHISHEK DIXIT | MECHANICAL | International Research Journal of Modernisation in Engineering Technology and Science | 2023 | 2582-5208 | |
Molecular Dynamics simulation showing the interaction between multi walled carbon nanotubes and epoxy resin/curing agent | MOHIT OSTWAL | MECHANICAL | International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management | 2023 | 2582-3930 | |
Fire Fighting Robot | NAVEEN GUPTA | MECHANICAL | International Journal of Research Publication and Review | 2023 | 2582-7421 | |
Design and Fabrication of 3 Axis Mini CNC Machine using Mach 3 for educational purpose | MITHUN SILORIYA | MECHANICAL | International Journal of Research Publication and Review | 2023 | 2582-7421 | |
360 Degree Flexible Drilling Machine | MITHUN SILORIYA | MECHANICAL | International Journal of Research Publication and Review | 2023 | 2582-7421 | |
Impact of Red Stone Dust and Polymer Fabric in Enhancing the Properties of Black Cotton Soil | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | Journal of polymer and Composites | 2023 | Scopus | |
Utilization of waste materials in manufacturing of bricks | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | AIP - | 2023 | AIP conference proceeding-Scopus | |
Efficient utilization of tire chip reinforced sand under footings subjected to purely inclined loads - an experimental and life cycle investigation | Dr. Gourav Gill and Abhishek Arya | CIVIL | Envrionmental Sience and Pollution Research | 2023 | Springer | 1614-7499 |
New Education policies 2020 Challenges and Role in Reforming Higher Education | Deepak Bhatia | Department of Management Studies | International Educational Scientific Research Journal | 2023 | UGC CARE | E-ISSN No: 2455-295X |
Exploring the Effect of Role Models on Effective Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review | Deepak Bhatia | Department of Management Studies | Fifteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship | 2023 | Presented | |
Controlling Project Execution in the Era of Soft Computing and Machine Learning | Dr. AMIT KHARE | Tech | Intelligent Computing and Networking Proceedings of IC-ICN 2023(Springer)-Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Volume 699 | 2023 | SCOPUS(Springer) | ISSN 2367-3389 (electronic) |
An Evaluation of clustering algorithms for addressing security issues in cloud computing | Dr. Rakesh Saxena | Tech | UGC Care-1 | 2023 | UGC Care-1 | ISSN 0970-2555 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Department | Year of publication | Whether Published in Journal listed in UGC care list or scoupus 0r web of Sc./other indexed journal | ISBN/ISSN number |
Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes | Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 | 2022 | YES scopus | Hardcover ISBN 978-3-031-08990-9 Published: 30 September 2022 eBook ISBN 978-3-031-08991-6 Published: 29 September 2022 |
Electrochemical Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks |
Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Academic press Elsevier | 2022 | YES scopus | Paperback ISBN: 9780323907842, ISBN: 9780323907859 Published: August 11, 2022, |
Optimizing Nanocatalyst?s and Technological Factors Influencing on Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants. |
Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In: Dave, S., Das, J. (eds) Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. Midtown Manhattan, New York City https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08991-6_8 ( | 2022 | YES scopus | 978-3-031-08990-9 |
Dyes and Pigments: Interventions and How Safe and Sustainable Are Colors of Life!!!. |
Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In: Dave, S., Das, J. (eds) Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. Midtown Manhattan, New York https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08991-6_1 |
2022 | YES scopus | 978-3-031-08990-9 |
. Mathur, A., Das, J., & Dave, S. (2022). Recent Advances in Bio?derived Nanostructured Carbon?based Materials for Electrochemical Sensor Applications. Biomass?Derived Carbon Materials: Production and Applications, Wiley?VCH GmbH 215-227. https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527832903.ch9 |
Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials: Production and Applications EdsAlagarsamy Pandikumar, Perumal Rameshkumar, Pitchaimani Veerakumar ? 2023 Wiley?VCH GmbHpage 215-277 | 2022 | YES scopus | Print ISBN:9783527349265 |Online ISBN:9783527832903 |
Role of Doped Semiconductors in the Catalytic Activity. In: Dave, S., Das, J. (eds) | Dr. Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In: Dave, S., Das, J. (eds) Trends and Contemporary Technologies for Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham. Midtown Manhattan, New York https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08991-6_1 |
2022 | YES scopus | 978-3-031-08990-9 |
Sushma Dave, et al "Unravelling Vitamin B12 as a potential inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2: A computational approach." | Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Informatics in medicine unlocked 30 (2022): 100951.Elsevier | 2022 | yes scopus | ISSN 2352-9148. |
Dave, S. (2022). Surface modification with nanomaterials for electrochemical biosensing application. | Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In Advanced Nanomaterials for Point of Care Diagnosis and Therapy (pp. 101-120). Elsevier. | 2022 | yes scopus | ISBN 978-0-323-85725-3 |
Sushma Dave et al "Quantum dots enabled point-of-care diagnostics: A new dimension to the nanodiagnosis." | Sushma Dave | Applied Science | In Advanced Nanomaterials for Point of Care Diagnosis and Therapy, pp. 43-52. Elsevier, 2022. | 2022 | yes scopus | ISBN 978-0-323-85725-3 |
Studies of some physicochemical properties of Ocimum americanum seed oil from Jodhpur | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | Applied Science | International Journal of Academic Information Systems Research (IJAISR) | 2022 | NO | ISSN: 2643-9026 (Online) |
Artificial neural network-based study predicts GS-441524 as a potential inhibitor of SARS COV-2 activator protein furin: A polypharmacology approach | Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Applied biochemistry and biotechnology (2022): 1-19-Springer | 2022 | Yes | ISBN 978-0-323-85725-3 |
Approximate Analytical Solution for Non-Linear Fitzhugh?Nagumo Equation of Time Fractional Order through Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 8, 61(2022) Springer Publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40819-022-01254-z (Scopus-Indexed) (Impact Factor:1.77) ISSN: 2199-5796 | Prof. A. M. KHAN | Applied Science | Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math, 8, 61(2022) Springer Publication (Scopus) | 2022 | Scopus | 2199-5796 |
Fuse replacement modelling and impact analysis of fuse failure probability on distribution system reliability | Dr. Umesh Agarwal | Computer Science & Engineering | Vigyan Prakash | 2022 | ISSN: 1549-523-X | |
Advanced Speed Control Methods for Induction Motor: An analysis | Dr. Umesh Agarwal | Computer Science & Engineering | Bharatiya Vaigyanik evam Audyogik Anusandhan Patrika (BVAAP) | 2022 | ISSN: 0971-7706 | |
Dual-Pathway Deep CNN for Offline Writer Identification | Naresh Purohit | CSE | Advances in Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series | 2022 | Springer (Scopus) | Print ISBN978-3-030-85364-8 Online ISBN978-3-030-85365-5 |
Establishing Relationships of Cellular Communication Coverage Provided by Governmental and Non-governmental Companies as a Function of Digital Elevation, Population Density, and Transport Infrastructure in Jodhpur District, Rajasthan, (pp. 509-529) | Dr. Sanjay Gaur, Puthukkulam, A., Vinod, T. R., & Plappally, A. |
ECE | In Livelihood Enhancement Through Agriculture, Tourism and Health (pp. 509-529) Springer Nature |
2022 | Book Chapter, Scopus, Sprinter Nature |
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7310-8_26 |
"Inception-based CNN for low-light image enhancement." | Sanjay BC Gaur., Panwar Moomal |
ECE | Computational Vision and Bio-Inspired Computing: Proceedings of ICCVBIC 2021. Singapore: PP533-545. | 2022 | Book Chapter, Scopus, Sprinter Nature |
Time-varying ambient temperature and variable electrical load based thermal modeling of power transformer using differential equation approach | Vinit Mehta and JayashriVajpai | EE | JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | 2022 | 0973-5763 | |
Environmental Effect on the Thermal Performance of Power Transformer | Vinit Mehta, JayashriVajpai | EE | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2022 | 2320-2882 | |
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mapping E-Governance in India | Ranjana Bhati | Department of Management Studies | 2022 | Presnted | ||
A Study on Revolutionization in Fintech and its Impact on the Financial Sector | Deepak Bhatia | Department of Management Studies | International Conference on Business Management and Allied Disciplines | 2022 | Presnted | |
Value Based Education System for the Welfare and Transformation of Human Being: Green Campus and Green Audit | Ranjana Bhati | Department of Management Studies | National Conference on Value Based Education System.: A key step towards transformation of society | 2022 | Presnted | |
Importance of Value ? Based Education System for the Nuturing of the Society Impact of Western Culture on Youth and Society |
Deepak Bhatia | Department of Management Studies | National Conference on Value Based Education System: A key step towards transformation of society | 2022 | Presnted | |
A Study on the Impact of Covid-19 on Marketing Mix in the Tourism Sector | Deepak Bhatia | Department of Management Studies | Recent Trends in Tourism and Hospitality | 2022 | 978-93-91260-14-9 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Department | Year of publication | Whether Published in Journal listed in UGC care list or scoupus 0r web of Sc./other indexed journal | ISBN/ISSN number |
Stabilization Analysis of Clay Soil by using Waste tile particles | Rajat Mangal | CIVIL | Intelligent energy Management Technologies- Book series | 2021 | Springer | |
Climate change detection and attribution in the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basins | Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Geoscience Frontiers | 2021 | ELSEVIER | - |
Comprehensive feasibility study for application of waste tire chips in enhancing the performance of shallow foundations | Dr. Gourav Gill | CIVIL | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2021 | Springer | - |
Pressure settlement behaviour of strip footing resting on unreinforced and tire chips reinforced copper slag | Dr. Gourav Gill | CIVIL | KSCE | 2021 | Springer | 12205-020-0606 |
Climate change detection and attribution in the Ganga Brahmaputra Meghna river basins | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Geoscience Frontiers | 2021 | ELSEVIER | - |
Micaceous Bricks: A formulative and strategic study | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | CIVIL | NOV YI MIR | 2021 | 0130-7673 | |
Climate change detection in upper Ganga basin | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Water Science and Technology- Book series | 2021 | Springer | 978-3-030-51426-6 |
Study of twenty-first century precipitation and temperature trends over Ganga river basin | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Society of Earth Scientist Series- Book Series | 2021 | Springer | 978-3-030-60868-2 |
Detection of changes in twentieth century precipitation in the Ganga river basin | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Society of Earth Scientist Series- Book Series | 2021 | Springer | - |
Study of Twenty-first Century Precipitation and Temperature Trends Over Ganga River Basin | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Society of Earth Scientist Series- Book Series | 2021 | Springer | |
Photocatalytic Degradation of Dyes: Current Trends and Future Perspectives | Sushma Dave | Applied Science | Book - Elsevier | 2021 | YES (SCOPUS) | Paperback ISBN: 9780128238769 eBook ISBN: 9780128242025 |
Impacts of Environmental Pollution on the Growth and Conception of Biological Populations Involving Incomplete I-Function. Intelligent Learning for Computer Vision. CIS 2020. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol. 61. Springer, Singapore | Prof. A. M. KHAN | Applied Science | Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol. 61. Springer (Scopus) | 2021 | Scopus | 2367-4512 |
Fractional mathematical modelling of degradation of dye in textile effluents | Prof. A. M. KHAN | Applied Science | Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace Mesa Springer | 2021 | SCI | 2041-3165 |
Application of green synthesized metal nano-particles in photo catalytic degradation of dyes and its mathematical modelling using Caputo Fabrizio fractional derivative without singular kernel | Prof. A. M. KHAN | I Year | Journal of Mathematics, Hindawi, Volume 2021, Article ID 9948422, 8 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9948422 (SCI-Indexed) | 2021 | SCI | 2314-4785 |
Expansion of Generating Functions Involving various Polynomials | Dr. Kamlesh Bhandari | I Year | Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics | 2021 | ISSN: 0970-5120 | |
State-of-the-Art: Offline Writer Identification Methodologies | Naresh Purohit | CSE | 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore, India | 2021 | IEEE (Scopus) | 2329-7190 |
A Novel Approach to Classify English Handwritten Character Using Convolutional Neural Networks | Naresh Purohit | CSE | 2021 Fourth International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), Erode, India | 2021 | IEEE (Scopus) | 978-1-6654-4751-5 |
Enhancing Spectrum Utilization in 2G to 5G Cognitive Radio Networks | MR. BABLU KUMAR SINGH | ECE | SPRINGER, SINGAPORE | 2021 | https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-33-4501-0_55 Print ISBN978-981-33-4500-3, Online ISBN978-981-33-4501-0 | |
Protection Scheme using Wavelet-Alienation-Neural Technique for UPFC Compensated Transmission Line | B. Rathore, O. P. Mahela, B. Khan and S. Padmanaban | EE | IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 13737-13753 | 2021 | 2169-3536 | |
Wavelet-Alienation-Neural-Based Protection Scheme for STATCOM Compensated Transmission Line | B. Rathore, O. P. Mahela, B. Khan, H. H. Alhelou and P. Siano | EE | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2557-2565, April 2021 | 2021 | 1551-3203 | |
A Novel $k$-Means Clustering and Weighted $k$-NN-Regression-Based Fast Transmission Line Protection | A. K. Gangwar, O. P. Mahela, B. Rathore, B. Khan, H. H. Alhelou and P. Siano | EE | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 6034-6043, Sept. 2021 | 2021 | 1551-3203 | |
Modeling of Numerical Differential Relay | Shadab Afreen, Shrawan Ram Patel | EE | International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering | 2021 | 2347 - 4718 | |
Application of Deep Learning in Health Informatics: A Review | Mehta Vinit & Shrivastava, Noopur | EE | International Journal of Technical Research & Science | 2021 | 2454-2024 | |
Maximum Power Extraction using Random Binary Searching Algorithm under Non-Uniform Insolation | Kusum Agarwal, Avdhesh Sharma | EE | Lecture notes in Computer Science(LNCS) & Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering(LNEE)- SCOPUS (Springer) | 2021 | DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5341-7_7 | |
Antiferromagnetic materials pave the path for quantum entanglement | Sushamana Sharma & Rakesh Kothari | Physics | Materials Today: Proceedings | 2021 | SCOPUS | 2214-7853 |
Expansion of Generating Functions Involving various Polynomials | Dr. Kamlesh Bhandari | Mathematics | Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics | 2021 | UGC Approved | ISSN: 0970-5120 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Department | Year of publication | Whether Published in Journal listed in UGC care list or scoupus 0r web of Sc./other indexed journal | ISBN/ISSN number |
Optimal Design of Photonic Crystal Fiber for Low-Loss and Flattened Dispersion | Ms.Laxmi Choudhary | ECE | "ITEE Journal Information Technology & Electrical Engineering" | 2020 | UGC care | 2306-708X |
A Review: Performance of Geosynthetics | Kiran bhoot | Civil | Dogo Ransang Research Journal | 2020 | UGC care listed | 2347-7180 |
Recent trends in stabilization of Black cotton soil: A comprehensive Review | Kiran Bhoot | CIVIL | International Journal of Engineering Research and Management | 2020 | N0 | 2349-2058 |
Solar Water Heater Using Plastic Waste | Kiran Bhoot | Civil | Compliance Engineering Journal, | 2020 | UGC care listed | 0898-3577 |
Effect of steel fibers and Marble dust on strength characterstics of pavement quality concrete | Rahul Bhati | CIVIL | IJERM | 2020 | 2349-2058 | |
Effect of steel fibers and Marble dust on strength characteristics of pavement quality concrete | Sourabh Soni | CIVIL | IJERM | 2020 | 2349-2058 | |
Modeling of bonus regional sewage treatment plant using machine learning approaches | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Deswater | 2020 | ||
Modified signal to noise ratio method for early detection of climate change | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | 2020 | ASCE | |
Statistical parameters of hydrometeorological variables: standard deviation, SNR, skewness and kurtosis | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Advances in Water Resources Engg. and Management | 2020 | Springer | |
Pressure settlement behavior of strip footing resting on tire chip reinforced sand | Dr. Gourav Gill | CIVIL | International Journal of Geotechnical Engg | 2020 | Springer | |
Sustainable utilization of waste tire chips reinforced copper tailings as structural fill | Dr. Gourav Gill | CIVIL | Environment, Development and Sustainability | 2020 | Springer | |
Effect of polypropylene fiber on shear parameter of expansive soil | Rajat Mangal, Sumit Gehlot | CIVIL | IJERM | 2020 | 2349-2058 | |
Enhancing high performance concrete with supplementary pozzolanic material | Sourabh Soni | CIVIL | CEJ | 2020 | ||
Design and fabrication of Tickli Blaster | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | CIVIL | CEJ | 2020 | ||
Modeling of Bunus regional sewage treatment plant using machine learning approaches | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Desalination & Water Treatment | 2020 | ||
Modified Signal-to-Noise Ratio Method for Early Detection of Climate Change | Dr. Chetan Sharma | CIVIL | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | 2020 | ASCE |
Name of Book | Publisher | Author | ISBN/ISSN number |
Heat and Mass Transfer | Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore | Rajendra Karwa | ISBN 978-981-15-3987-9; ISBN 978-981-15-3988-6 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-981-15-3988-6 |
Name of Journal | Title | Author | ISBN/ISSN number |
Springer | Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence | K.R. Chowdhary | 978-81-322-3972-7 |
Algorithm for Intelligent System (AIS)- Springer-ISSN: | Simulation of Performance Characteristics of Different PV Materials | HARISH KUMAR KHYANI and JAYASHRI VAJPAI | 2524-7565 |
Algorithm for Intelligent System (AIS)- Springer-ISSN: | Analysis of Voltage Sag and Swell Problems using Fuzzy Logic for Power Quality Progress in Reliable Power System | AMIT SINGHAL and ANKIT TANDON | 2524-7565 |
Algorithm for Intelligent System (AIS)- Springer-ISSN: | Mitigation of low-frequency oscillation in power system by using PSS with TCSC controller in MATLAB software. | AMIT SINGHAL and ANKIT TANDON | 2524-7565 |
Algorithm for Intelligent System (AIS)- Springer-ISSN: | Coordinated control of UPFC Based Damping Controller with PID for Power System | AMIT SINGHAL and ANKIT TANDON | 2524-7565 |
Algorithm for Intelligent System (AIS)- Springer-ISSN: | Machine learning based solar energy forecasting: implications on grid & power market | CHANDERSHEKHAR SINGH, AJAY KUSHWAHA and AKHIL RANJAN GARG | 2524-7565 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) & Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE)- SCOPUS (Springer) | Maximum Power Extraction using Random Binary Searching Algorithm under Non-Uniform Insolation | KUSUM AGARWAL | ISBN |
SPRINGER | A New Methodology to Implement ASCII Based Cryptography | Ms. Shubha Agarwal | ISBN |
SPRINGER | A Literature Survey on Various Classification of Data Mining For Predicting Heart Disease | Ms. Anamika Choudhary | 2367-4512 |
IEEE Xplore | Evaluation Of Distance Measures In Content Based Image Retrieval | Ms. Anamika Choudhary | 978-1-7281-0167-5 |
IEEE Xplore | Performance Evolution of Conventional and Swarm based Routing Methods in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Mr. Rajendra Purohit | ISBN |
InternationalConference on Advances in Energy Management | Human Detection and Image Estimation by using Histogram of Oriented Gradients | Ms. Anamika Choudhary | Accepted |
InternationalConference on Advances in Energy Management | A Comparative study on Impact of Transmission Power range, selection on OLSR and AODV Routing protocols using NS3 | Ms. Sunita Godara | Accepted |
InternationalConference on Advances in Energy Management | Comparative Analysis of Swarm based routing protocols in mobile ADHOC networks | Mr. Rajendra Purohit | Accepted |
InternationalConference on Advances in Energy Management | A Comparative study of various approaches to lossy image compression process | Mr. Nitesh Agarwal | Accepted |
Hand Book of wireless sensor networks:issues and chanllenges in current scenario | Secure and energy efficient routing protocol in wireless sensor Network in future:A survey | Prof. Sanjay B.C. gaur, Mr. Manish Purohit | ISBN |
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology | Abrasive wear analysis of RZ5/TiC in-situ composites: a statical approach | Dr. Deepak Mehra | ISSN:0036-8792 |
Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management pilsen | A double layer decision modeling for evaluating the conceptual arena of air pollution and linked measures | Udita Ranjan | ISBN |
Name of Book | Publisher | Author | ISBN/ISSN number |
Machine Design | Laxmi Publications | Rajendra Karwa | ISBN 978-81-7008-833-2 |
Name of Journal | Title | Author | ISBN/ISSN number |
Invertis Journal of Science and Technology | Error Analysis at Development Stage of an Experimental Setup | Rajendra Karwa and Chandresh Sharma | DOI No.: 10.5958/2454-762X.2018.00007.0 |
IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) | Performance study of once-through solar water heater | Rajendra Karwa and Chandresh Sharma | DOI: 10.9790/1684-1502054665 |
International journal of innovative technology and exploring Engineering , Elsevier Scopus | A New Numerical method to solve Non Linear fractional differential equation | Prof. A. M. KHAN | 2278-3075 |
International journal of innovative technology and exploring Engineering , Elsevier Scopus | A New Numerical method to solve Non Linear fractional differential equation | Prof. LALITA MISTRY | 2278-3075 |
International Journal for research in Engineering Application & Management | Study on performance of Passive RFID | Prof. Abhijit Kulshrestha | 2454-9150 |
Book chapter in Book Advance Oxidation Process for Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant-ELSEVIER | Technological model on advance stages of oxidation of waste water effluent from food industry | Prof. Sushm a Dave | Accepted |
Book Editor: Microbial Bio remediation & Bio degradation -Springer | Advancement in treatment technologies of Biopharmaceutical Industrial effluents | Prof. Sushma Dave | Accepted |
Springer Journal | Predicting Chemical Reactions with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Dr Sushma Dave | Accepted |
International Journal of Advent Technology Volume 6 No.11 November 2018 page no. 2891-2892 | Bio- Waste Management in Indian railways : a pilot plant | Prof. Sushma Dave | 2321-9637 |
International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 10 | A pathway to matrix–variate Gamma and Normal densities in complex case | Prof. Sandeep Mathur | 2249-7455 |
International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Volume 8, Issue 10 | A pathway to matrix–variate Gamma and Normal densities in complex case | Prof. Anjali Mathur | 2249-7455 |
Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology Vol. 8(2), Jul 2018, pp. 43-46 | Entanglement Detection Criterion in terms of Probability Amplitudes | Prof. Sushamana Sharma | 2249-9970 |
Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology Vol. 8(2), Jul 2018, pp. 43-46 | Entanglement Detection Criterion in terms of Probability Amplitudes | Prof. Rakesh Kothari | 2249-9970 |
Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology Vol. 8(2), Jul 2018, pp. 43-46 | Entanglement Detection Criterion in terms of Probability Amplitudes | Prof. Abhijit Kulshrestha | 2249-9970 |
IRE Journals | Volume 2 Issue 2 | Extraction and Characterization of Mirabilis Jalapa Seed Oil | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | 2456-8880 |
Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math. (2018) 4:57, Springer Journal No. 40819 | A Note on K-4 Fractional Integral Operator | Prof. A. M. Khan | 2349-5103 |
TWMS J. App. & Eng. Math. (Indexing-- ESCI) Journal | Fractional Integrals for the product of srivastava’ Polynomial and extended hyper geometric function | Prof. A. M. Khan | 2146-1147 |
IOSR-Journal of Applied Physics | Expansion of universe | Prof. Nidhi Gupta | 2278-4861 |
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology | Electrochemical and spectral characterization of silver nanoparticles synthesized employing root extract of Curculigo Orchioides | Prof. Sushma Dave | 0975-0991 |
World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Solubilization of Diphenylamine in Micellar Media | Prof. Renu Sharma | 2278-4357 |
International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | The generalized Horn’s functions of matrix arguments in complex case | Prof. Sandeep Mathur | 2347–8527 |
ManTech publication Journal of Banking, Finance and Insurance Management | Workforce Diversity a Tool to Increase Productivity of Private Banks- an Empirical Study in Reference to Jodhpur City of Rajasthan | Prof. (Dr.)Punita Soni | 1. Volume 1 Issue 2. |
Journal of Business Economics and Management – MANTECH | Developments & Opportunities of Information Technology Infrastructure in Indian Business Scenario | Dr. Mahendra Daiya | 1. Volume 1 Issue 2. |
Journal of Banking, Finance and Insurance management. MANTECH | A study on Impact of Changing Environment on Risk Management of Financial Services of India. | Prof. (Dr.)Punita Soni,Dr. Mitali Dutta | Vol-1 issue 2 |
NBA, NEW DELHI | Promoting Excellence in technical education through outcome based education | KUSUM AGARWAL | --- |
IJCSC | Hybrid Fuzzy- PSO Switching Median Filter For Impulse Noise Reduction | SANDIP MEHTA | 0973-7391 |
IJCSC | Gaussian Noise Removal Using Multiple Wavelets Approach | SANDIP MEHTA | 0973-7391 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science | Automatic Car Parking Using SURF and RANSAC Algorithm | SANDIP MEHTA | 0976-5697 |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology | Computational Electromagnetics: Techniques and Applications | SANDIP MEHTA | 2321-9653 |
International Journal of Engineering Science Invention | Image Enhancement in Histopathological Images | SANDIP MEHTA | 2319-6734 |
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE) | Hybrid Wavelet - Wiener Filter For Speckle Noise Reduction | SANDIP MEHTA | 2250-2459 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Research Development | Ferroresonance: An Insight into the Phenomenon | SANDIP MEHTA | 2348-6406 |
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering | A Novel Hybrid Linear Predictive Coding- Discrete Cosine Transform based Compression | SANDIP MEHTA | 2454-4248 |
International Journal of Electrical Electronics & Computer Science Engineering | Image Denoising Using Novel Fuzzy Based Approach | SANDIP MEHTA | 2454-1222 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Research Development | Weighted Hybrid Wavelet Wiener Filter for Gaussian Noise Removal | SANDIP MEHTA | 2348-6406 |
International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews | Hybrid Wiener Median Filter | SANDIP MEHTA | 2349-5138 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering & Research Development | Hybrid Lossy Predictive - Huffman Coding | SANDIP MEHTA | 2348-4470 |
International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews | Electrical Energy Storage - An Overview | SANDIP MEHTA | 2348-1269 |
International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews | A Novel Hybrid Linear Predictive Coding- Wavelet Compression | SANDIP MEHTA | 2348-1269 |
International Journal for Computer Science and Engineering | Speckel Noise Reduction Using Hybrid Wavelet Packets- Wiener Filter | SANDIP MEHTA | 2347-2693 |
IJITKM | Denoising Gaussian Noise Using Wavelet Packets | SANDIP MEHTA | 0973-4414 |
International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Technology | Modified Bayes Thresholding based Wavelet Filter for Gaussian Noise Removal | SANDIP MEHTA | 2395-3152 |
International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Technology | Multiple - Scan Lossless Predictive Huffman Coding | SANDIP MEHTA | 2395-3152 |
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering | Medical Image compression based on ROI using Integer Wavelet Transform | SANDIP MEHTA | 2454-4248 |
International Journal of Computer & Mathematical Science | The Generalized Horn's Function of Matrix Argumets in Complex Case | SANDEEP MATHUR | 2347-8527 |
International Conference of Power and Renewable Energy | Location Specific Weighted Conversion Efficiency Coefficients for Solar Photovoltic Inverter Using R | KUSUM AGARWAL | 978-1-5386-2156-1 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science & Technology | Enhancement of Power Transfer Capacity of Transmission Line Using Thyristor - Controlled Series Capacitors FACTS Controller | KUSUM AGARWAL and SHRAWAN RAM | --- |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology | Growth, Design Aspects and Applications of PhotoVoltaic Systems | VINEET GEHLOT | 2277-1581 |
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology | Indian Climate Based Weighted Conversion Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Inverter for North and South Zone | KUSUM AGARWAL | 2277-4106 |
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | Tuning Scaling Factor of Fuzzy Logic Controller in Load Frequency Control Using PSO | KUSUM AGARWAL | 2229-5518 |
ICICI 2018 Springer | An improved log based motion estimation algorithms for compressing a video | Dr Amit Mishra | - |
ICICI 2018 Springer | An improved log based motion estimation algorithms for compressing a video | Mr Rahul Bhandari | - |
ICETEAS | Novel algorithem for text based personality classification | Veena Parihar | ISSN 2454-42487-10 |
ICACCE | Trust-based Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol design with security and Qos over MANET | Manish Kumar | 978-1-5386-4485-0 |
ICICI 2018 Springer | Performance evaluation of symmetric block cipher RC6 with ECB and CBC operation modes | Rajendra Purohit | - |
ICICI 2018 Springer | Performance evaluation of symmetric block cipher RC6 with ECB and CBC operation modes | Purva Sharma | - |
IJARCET | Survey of effectivencess of Automated testing tools | Jyoti Vyas | 2278 – 1323 |
IEEE | Digital Library Performance Analysis of Mobility Models using MANET Routing Protocol under CBR traffic” | Sunita Godara | 978-1-5386-4304-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE. |
IJIRSE | Function Point Analysis: Converting various design elements into Function Points | Rajendra Purohit | 2347-3207 |
Springer, Singapore | Review of Current Software Estimation Techniques | Rajendra Purohit | Print ISBN 978-981-10-8526-0 Online ISBN 978-981-10-8527-7" |
Springer, Singapore | Analysis of COCOMO and UCP | Rajendra Purohit | Print ISBN 978-981-10-8526-0 Online ISBN 978-981-10-8527-7 |
IJSRCSEIT | Performance Analysis of OpenGL Java Bindings with Graphics Scan Conversion Algorithms | Rajendra Purohit | 2456-3307 |
IJCMS | A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Suresh Kumar Jha | ISSN-2349-3386 |
ITARCET | Survay of Effectiveness of Automated testing tool | Shubha Agarwal | 2278-1323 |
IJETSR | Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6 -A Review | Suresh kumar Jha | ISSN-2394-3386 |
IJEECS | Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Manish kumar | ISSN-2348-117X |
IJCMS | A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Manish kumar | ISSN-2349-3386 |
IJCMS | An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Amit Mishra | ISSN 2347-8527 |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Development | Analysis of Image Compression based on DCT, DWT and Fractal | Arshi Riyaz | 2321-0613 |
IJCMS | A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Ravindra Sharma | ISSN-2349-3386 |
IJCMS | An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Nitesh Agarwal | 2347-8527 |
IJETSR | Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6 -A Review | Nitesh Agarwal | 2394-3386 |
IJCMS | An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Suresh Kumar Jha | ISSN 2347-8527 |
IJETSR | Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6 -A Review | Amit Mishra | ISSN-2394-3386 |
IJEECS | Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Om Prakash Suthar | ISSN-2348-117X |
IJEECS | Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Suresh Kumar Jha | ISSN-2348-117X |
International Journal of Research and Publication (U. K). (Pages: 8, Volume: 8, Issue: , July 2018. ) | Text Classification using KNN with Different Feature Selection Methods | Prof. sanjay B.C. gaur | DOI: 1008172018280 |
International journal of research publications | The fast fake currency note detector with minimum valid features | Prof. sanjay B.C. gaur | DOI: 1004152018136.pdf |
IEEE Explorer | Trust-based Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocol Design with Security and QoS over MANET | Mr. Ajay Rupani | DOI: 10.1109/ICACCE.2018.8441685 |
Elsevier Journal (SSRN). | Phonology based Phoneme Recognition | Mr. Avnish Bora | https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3358093 |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology" | Photonic Crystal Fibre Developments, Properties and Applications in Optical Fiber Communication | Prof. (Dr.) Hemant Purohit (HOD, ECE) ,Ms. Laxmi Chaudhary | ISSN: 2321-9653 |
International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | Speaker Identification for Biometric Access Control Using Hybrid Features" | Mr.Avnish Bora | "ISSN: 0975-3397, Vol. 9, 7" |
International journal of innovative research in science, Engineering and technology | Detection of finger motion using flex sensor for Assisting speech Impaired | Prof. Shweta bhati ISSN no(print)2347-6710 | ISSN no.(online)2319-8753 |
International Journal ofcurrent engineering and scientific research(IJCESR) | Watermarking using wavelet and singular domain with different dual scrambling methodology" | Prof. Shweta bhati | ISSN print(print) 2393-8374 ISSN online:2394 0697 DOI:10.21276/ijcesr |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering IJARCCE" | A Review of Technology Paradigm for IOT on FPGA" | Prof. Ajay Rupani | ISSN (Online) 2278-1021 ISSN (Print) 2319 5940" |
International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering” (IJSTE) (Vol.3, Issue 2, | Review And Study Of Fpga Implementation Of Internet Of Things | Prof. Ajay Rupani | ISSN (online): 2349-784X |
IJIRCCE,Volume 4 Issue 9 | A Review of FPGA Implementation of Internet of Things" | Prof. Ajay Rupani | ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2016.0409098" |
IEEE Xplore | Simulation Study of DITMC Technique for Enhancing Channel Utilization in Speech Communication of Mobile Network" | Prof. Hemant Purohit | ISBN 978-1-5090-0206-1, page number 133-136 |
International Journal Of Advanced Engineering And Science" | "Performance Analysis of Multiple Access Techniques for LTE System Under Symbol Error Rate (SER) Calculation | Mr. Piyush Vyas , Mr. Manish Purohit ,Mr. Ajay Rupani | ISSN (Online) : 2456-1908 ISSN (Print) 2349-6495 |
Certificate of Publication by International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science | Literature Survey of Security Enhancement in Manet Routing Protocols of WLANs | Mr. Piyush Vyas,Mr. Manish Purohit,Mr. Ajay Rupani | ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O) |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC)” Volume-5, Issue-1 /td> | Imperceptible Image Watermarking Technique using 3-level DWT | Rita Choudhary (Asst. Prof.) | ISSN (Print) : 2320-2084 ISSN (Online) : 2321–2950 |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology” (IJIRSET) ,Vol. 6, Issue 4, | Comparative Analysis of Quality of Signal of Different Service Providers | Ms. Komal Sharma,Ms.Aswathy Puthukkulam ,Ms. Heena Joshi,Mr.Bablu Kumar Singh | ISSN (Online): 2319-8753/ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 |
International Journal of Scientific | Review and Research in Engineering and technology An in sight into Architecture of smart city:A review | Ms. Aisha Jangid,Ms. Laxmi Choudhary | ISSN NUMBER:2455-3603 [ONLINE] |
IJECCT | A study on Evolution of Communication | Prof. Hemant Purohit | ISSN:2249-7838 |
IJARCCE | A Study on Role of Smart Antennas in Mobile Communication | Prof. Hemant Purohit | ISSN(online) 2278-1021 , ISSN(Print) 2319-5940" |
IJIREEICE | A Study on CS-RZ-ASK Modulation Format for Long Haul Optical Communication | Prof. Hemant Purohit | ISSN(online) 2321-2004 ,ISSN(Print) 2321-5526 |
IJARCCE | A survey and study on improvements in effieciency and effectivness of multipath routing protocol in wireless sensor network | Prof. K.K .Arora,Prof. Manish Purohit, Prof. Piyush Vyas | ISSN(online) 2278-1021 ,ISSN(Print) 2319-5940 |
Industrial lubrication and Tribology | Optimization of RZ5-TiC magnesium matrix composite wear parameters using Taguchi approach | Dr. Deepak Mehra | DOI:10.1108/ILT-04-2017-0095 |
IJTMES | A review paper on the development of a various robotic end effector | Mohd. Jawed Iqbal | e-ISSN :2455-2585 |
AIP Conference Proceedings | Abrasive wear behavior of in-situ RZ5-10wt%TiC composite | Dr. Deepak Mehra | DOI:10.1063/1.5032358 |
IJMMME | Effect of varying wt% of TiC on Mechanical and wear properties of RZ5-TiC in-situ composite | Dr. Deepak Mehra | DOI:10.4018/IJMMME.201840104 |
Materials today: Proceedings | Modeling of wear process parameters of in-situ RZ5-10wt%TiC composite using artificial neural network | Dr. Deepak Mehra | IConAMMA 2017 |
Industrial lubrication and Tribology:70/2(2018) 256-263 | Effect of wear parameters on dry abrasive wear of RZ5-TiC insitu composite | Dr. Deepak Mehra | DOI:10.1108/ILT-04-2017-0095 |
Journal of magnesium and alloy | Processing of RZ5-10 wt% TiC in-situ magnesium matrics composite | Dr. Deepak Mehra | DOI:10.1016/jma.2018.01.002 |
Interanational journal of Engineering Science invention (IJESI) | Value Stream Mapping: Literature Review and Implementation for an Assembly Line | Er. Amir Katiyar | ISSN:2319-6726 |
International Journal Of Modern Trends In Engineering And Research | Experimental Study On Hot Box Solar Cooker For Different Spacings Between Absorber And Glass Cover | Pawan Kumar Gupta | ISSN (Online):2349–9745; ISSN (Print):2393-8161 |
MRS Advances © 201 Materials Research Society | Functional Demarcation Of Traditional Off-White Colored Water Pots Manufactured From Rajasthan Clayey Soils And Red Colored Water Pots From Gujarat Clayey Soils Using Spectrographic, Cooling And Strength Studies--A Case Study From Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India | Amrita Kaurwar,RajSatankar, Sandeep Gupta , Usha. K. Aravind, Kuldeep Kothari , Alfred Soboyejo And AnandPlappally | DOI: 10.1557/Adv.2017.127 |
Invertis Journal Of Science & Technology | Error Analysis At Development Stage Of An Experimental Setup: A Review | Dr. RajendraKarwa | Print ISSN : 0973-8940 Online ISSN: 2454-762X |
Bioresource Technology, Elsevier | Halophilic starch degrading bacteria isolated from Sambhar Lake, India, as potential anode catalyst in microbial fuel cell: A promising process for saline water treatment | Ankisha Vijaya, Shivam Arora, Sandeep Gupta, Meenu Chhabra | DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.02.044 |
IOSR Journal Of Mechanical And Civil Engineering | Performance study of once through solar water heater | Rajendra Karwa , Chandresh Sharma | DOI: 10.9790/1684-1502054665 |
International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering,Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship | Household Production of Ceramic Water Filtersin Western Rajasthan, India | Sandeep Gupta, Raj kumar Satnakar, Amrita Kaurwar, Usha Aravind | Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 53-66, Spring 2018 ISSN 1555-9033 |
IJRAR | Metal Poisoning Through Soil | Kiran Bhoot | 2348-1269 |
IJERM | Performance Evolution and Audit of Structures by NDT Methods | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
IJERM | Comparative Analysis of Concrete using Recycled Aggregate | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
IJERM | Importance of Study of Mathematics in Engineering Education | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
IJERM | The Study of effect of Pozzolanas on Fiber Reinforced Concrete | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
IJRAR | "Bamboo"- A sustainable low cost construction materialand Bamboo architecture for ecological living | Ankit Laddha | 2348-1269 |
IJSER | Properties of Expansive soils treated by Fly Ash | Kiran Bhoot | 2229-5518 |
IOSR Journal of Engineering | "Jodhpur Sand Stone"- For splendid architectural work in buildings | Ankit Laddha | 2250-3021 |
IOSR Journal of Engineering | Green Concrete- A review study | Ankit Laddha | 2250-3021 |
IJETMR | A minor project on Use of Recycled Aggregates as Sub-Base | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2454-1907 |
IJERM | Study of RC Beams with Special Reference to Reinforcement Corrosion | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
IJETMR | Significance of Marble and Portland Cement | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2454-1907 |
IJERM | Effect of Silica Fumes on Compressive Strength of Concrete | Dr. Arvind Dewangan | 2349-2058 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number |
Stabilization of Waste Sand Obtained from Stone Industries as Foregoing Alternatives for Modern Bricks | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | IJIRSET | 2017-18 | 2319-8753 |
Geotechnical Behaviour And Treatment of Various Expansive Soil of Rajasthan | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | IJAR | 2017-18 | 2320-5407 |
Experimental Study on Control of Swelling Pressure of Expansive Soils Using Bentonite and One Layer of Geosynthtics | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | IOSR-JMCE | 2017-18 | 2278-1684 |
A Review on Pull-Out Capacity of Helical Anchors in Clay And Sand | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | Quest | 2017-18 | 2321-8193 |
Improve the Properties of Permeability of Dune Sand by Using Square Pieces of Waste Plastics (Milk Polythene) | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
"To Enhance The Properties of Fine Sand By Using Soil Stabilization With Ceramic Tiles And Sanitary Ware Wastage For Construction of Embankment" | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
Socio-Economic Impact Assessment Of Victims Due To Permanent Resettlement Of Bisalpur Water Supply Project | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
Studies Of Infiltration Of Soil In Sher-Umar River, Doab In Narmada Basin | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
Modelling To Manage Urbanstorm Water Runoff Of MNIT Campus | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
Influnce of skew on design live load shear and design live support reaction | Kamlesh Parihar | Civil Engineering | JETIR | 2017-18 | 2349-5162 |
Seismic Performance of flat slab shear-wall-core building | Kamlesh Parihar | Civil Engineering | IJARD | 2017-18 | 2455-4030 |
Parametric study of framed truss systems for large span industrial structures | Kamlesh Parihar | Civil Engineering | IJAERD | 2017-18 | 2348-4470 |
Variation of shear coefficient and reaction coefficient with span in skew bridges | Kamlesh Parihar | Civil Engineering | IJAERD | 2017-18 | 2348-4470 |
Variation of design live load moment with skew on R.C. bridges | Kamlesh Parihar | Civil Engineering | IJRASET | 2017-18 | 2321-9653 |
Enhance the Performance of Permeability of Fine Sand Using Ceramic Tiles Waste and Plastic Waste as Admixture | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | AJER | 2017-18 | 2320-0936 |
An iterative method for estimating solute travel times to ditch drains under steady recharge and ponded conditions | Mukesh Patidar | Civil Engineering | Applied Water Science(Springer) | 2017-18 | 7:433–443 |
Survey of effectivencess of Automated testing tools | Jyoti Vyas | Computer Science and Engineering | IJARCET | 2017-18 | 2278 – 1323 |
Performance Analysis of Mobility Models using MANET Routing Protocol under CBR traffic” | Sunita Godara | Computer Science and Engineering | IEEE Digital Library | 2017-18 | 978-1-5386-4304-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE. |
Function Point Analysis: Converting various design elements into Function Points | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE | 2017-18 | 2347-3207 |
Review of Current Software Estimation Techniques | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | 2017-18 | "Print ISBN 978-981-10-8526-0 Online ISBN 978-981-10-8527-7" |
Analysis of COCOMO and UCP | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | Springer, Singapore | 2017-18 | "Print ISBN 978-981-10-8526-0 Online ISBN 978-981-10-8527-7" |
Performance Analysis of OpenGL Java Bindings with Graphics Scan Conversion Algorithms | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | IJSRCSEIT | 2017-18 | 2456-3307 |
A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Suresh Kumar Jha | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2349-3386 |
Survay of Effectiveness of Automated testing tool | Shubha Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | ITARCET | 2017-18 | 2278-1323 |
Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6-A Review | Suresh kumar Jha | Computer Science and Engineering | IJETSR | 2017-18 | ISSN-2394-3386 |
Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Manish kumar | Computer Science and Engineering | IJEECS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2348-117X |
A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Manish kumar | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2349-3386 |
An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Amit Mishra | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | ISSN 2347-8527 |
Analysis of Image Compression based on DCT, DWT and Fractal | Arshi Riyaz | Computer Science and Engineering | International Journal of Scientific Research and Development | 2017-18 | 2321-0613 |
A Case Study: Design of 16 bit Arithmetic and Logical unit using Xillinx 14.7 and Implementation on FPGA Board | Ravindra Sharma | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2349-3386 |
An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | 2347-8527 |
Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6 -A Review | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJETSR | 2017-18 | 2394-3386 |
An Analysis Of Variation In Lossless Color Image Compression using n-MM Algorithm | Suresh Kumar Jha | Computer Science and Engineering | IJCMS | 2017-18 | ISSN 2347-8527 |
Transition mechanism from IPv4 to IPv6 -A Review | Amit Mishra | Computer Science and Engineering | IJETSR | 2017-18 | ISSN-2394-3386 |
Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Om Prakash Suthar | Computer Science and Engineering | IJEECS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2348-117X |
Image Enlargement using Image Fusion Techniques: A Review | Suresh Kumar Jha | Computer Science and Engineering | IJEECS | 2017-18 | ISSN-2348-117X |
Growth, Design Aspects and Applications of PhotoVoltaic Systems | VINEET GEHLOT | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology | 2017-18 | 2277-1581 |
Indian Climate Based Weighted Conversion Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Inverter for North and South Zone | KUSUM AGARWAL | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology | 2017-18 | 2277-4106 |
Tuning Scaling Factor of Fuzzy Logic Controller in Load Frequency Control Using PSO | KUSUM AGARWAL | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | 2017-18 | 2229-5518 |
Photonic Crystal Fibre Developments, Properties and Applications in Optical Fiber Communication | Prof. (Dr.) Hemant Purohit (HOD, ECE) ,Ms. Laxmi Chaudhary | Electronics and communication Engineering | "International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology" | 2017-18 | ISSN: 2321-9653 |
Speaker Identification for Biometric Access Control Using Hybrid Features | Mr.Avnish Bora | Electronics and communication Engineering | International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | 2017-18 | "ISSN: 0975-3397, Vol. 9,7" |
"Detection of finger motion using flex s ensor for Assisting speech Impaired" | Prof. Shweta bhati | Electronics and communication Engineering | International journal of innovative research in science, Engineering and technology | 2017-18 | ISSN no(print)2347-6710 ISSN no.(online)2319-8753 |
"Watermarking using wavelet and singular domain with different dual scrambling methodology" | Prof. Shweta bhati | Electronics and communication Engineering | International Journal ofcurrent engineering and scientific research(IJCESR) | 2017-18 | ISSN print(print) 2393-8374 ISSN online:2394 0697 DOI:10.21276/ijcesr |
Expansion of universe | Prof. Nidhi Gupta | I Year | IOSR-Journal of Applied Physics | 2017-18 | 2278-4861 |
Euler’s Type Integrals Results for Matrix Argument involving Zonal Polynomial | Prof. Abhijit Kulshrestha | I Year | Journal of Pure and Applied Science & Technology | 2017-18 | 2231-4202 |
Case Study on Impact on Pollution by Airborne Particles in a Semi-Arid Zone of Rajasthan | Prof. Smita Mathur | I Year | International J of Advance research in Science and Engg. | 2017-18 | 2319 - 8346 |
Potential of Bio Butanol Driven Petrol Engines and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells | Prof. Sushma Dave | I Year | International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research | 2017-18 | 2394 – 3386 |
Electrochemical and spectral characterization of silver nanoparticles synthesized employing root extract of Curculigo Orchioides | Prof. Sushma Dave | I Year | Indian Journal of Chemical Technology | 2017-18 | 0975-0991 |
Solubilization of Diphenylamine in Micellar Media | Prof. Renu Sharma | I Year | World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2017-18 | 2278-4357 |
Studies On Viscosity Of Soybean Oil | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | I Year | International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research | 2017-18 | 2394 – 3386 |
A Comparative Physicochemical Analysis Of Crude And Refined Jamun (Syzygium Cumini) Seed Oil. | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | I Year | ICONIC RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING JOURNALS | 2017-18 | 2456-8880 |
Women and Laws | Women and Laws | I Year | International Journal Of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | 2017-18 | 2319-8354 |
A Note on K-4 Fractional Integral Operator | Prof. A. M. Khan | I Year | Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math.(2018) 4:57, Springer Journal No. 40819 | 2017-18 | 2349-5103 |
The generalized Horn’s functions of matrix arguments in complex case | Prof. Sandeep Mathur | I Year | International Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences | 2017-18 | 2347–8527 |
Experimental Study On Hot Box Solar Cooker For Different Spacings Between Absorber And Glass Cover | Pawan Kumar Gupta | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Modern Trends In Engineering And Research | 2017-18 | ISSN (Online):2349–9745; ISSN (Print):2393-8161 |
Functional Demarcation Of Traditional Off-White Colored Water Pots Manufactured From Rajasthan Clayey Soils And Red Colored Water Pots From Gujarat Clayey Soils Using Spectrographic, Cooling And Strength Studies--A Case Study From Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India | Amrita Kaurwar,RajSatankar, Sandeep Gupta , Usha. K. Aravind, Kuldeep Kothari , Alfred Soboyejo And AnandPlappally | Mechanical Engineering | MRS Advances © 201 Materials Research Society | 2017-18 | DOI: 10.1557/Adv.2017.127 |
Error Analysis At Development Stage Of An Experimental Setup: A Review | RajendraKarwa | Mechanical Engineering | Invertis Journal Of Science & Technology | 2017-18 | Print ISSN : 0973-8940 Online ISSN: 2454-762X |
Halophilic starch degrading bacteria isolated from Sambhar Lake, India, as potential anode catalyst in microbial fuel cell: A promising process for saline water treatment | Ankisha Vijaya, Shivam Arora, Sandeep Gupta, Meenu Chhabra | Mechanical Engineering | Bioresource Technology, Elsevier | 2017-18 | 2017-18 |
Performance study of once through solar water heater | Rajendra Karwa , Chandresh Sharma | Mechanical Engineering | IOSR Journal Of Mechanical And Civil Engineering | 2017-18 | DOI: 10.9790/1684-1502054665 |
Household Production of Ceramic Water Filtersin Western Rajasthan, India | Sandeep Gupta, Raj kumar Satnakar, Amrita Kaurwar, Usha Aravind | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering,Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship | 2017-18 | "Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 53-66, Spring 2018 ISSN 1555-9033" |
Name of Book | Publisher | Author | ISBN/ISSN number |
Heat and Mass Transfer | Springer Science+Business Media, Singapore | Rajendra Karwa | ISBN 978-981-10-1556-4; ISBN 978-981-10-1557-1 |
Performance of solar air heater with v-discrete ribs on absorber plate | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | Rajendra Karwa and Girish Chitoshiya | ISBN-10: 3330025913 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number |
Toys Through Prism of Child Psychology & Overall Development | Chaitanya Sahadev (Published with Prod.Santosh Choudhary) | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | 2016-17 | 2319 -8354 |
Laws & Women | Chaitanya Sahadev | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | 2016-17 | 2319 -8354 |
Toys Through Prism of Child Psychology & Overall Development | Chaitanya Sahadev | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering | 2016-17 | 2319 -8354 |
Optimization of cost effective Extra cellular AMYLASE production | Mayank Awasthi | Civil Engineering | Biopharm Journal | 2016-17 | 2454-1397 |
Evaluation of Fine Sand through Soil Stabilization with Square Pieces of Waste Plastic as Admixture for Design of Flexible Pavement in Construction of Roads | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | AJER | 2016-17 | 2320-0936 |
Stabilization of Fine Sand using Square Pieces of Waste Plastic as Admixture for Construction of Embankments for Road | Ankit Laddha | Civil Engineering | AJER | 2016-17 | 2320-0936 |
Comparative study of random based mobility models using MANET Routing Protocol | Sunita Godara | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE 2017 | 2016-17 | 2347-3207 |
IoT Architecture and challenges | Sunita Godara | Computer Science and Engineering | IJETSR 2017 | 2016-17 | 2394-3386 |
“Internet of Things: A survey Paper on architecture and challenges” | Anamika Choudhary | Computer Science and Engineering | International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research (IJETSR) | 2016-17 | 23943386 |
Aglet and kerrighed as a tool for load balancing and scheduling in distributed environment | Amit Mishra | Computer Science and Engineering | IEEE Digital Library | 2016-17 | 10.1109/ICRAIE.2016.7939531 |
Sniffer detection and load balancing using aglets in a cluster of heterogeneous distributed system environment | Amit Mishra | Computer Science and Engineering | IEEE Digital Library | 2016-17 | 10.1109/POWERI.2016.8077340 |
Sniffer Detection Techniques: A Review | Amit Mishra | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE | 2016-17 | 2347-3207 |
Implementation of Image Restoration Techniques in MATLAB | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE | 2016-17 | 2347-3207 |
Function Point Analysis: Converting various design elements into Function Points | Kavita Choudhary | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE | 2016-17 | 2347-3207 |
Generalized Algorithm for Modelling of SPV Array under Non-uniform Insolation | KUSUM AGARWAL | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Scientific Research | 2016-17 | 2277-8179 |
"Performance Analysis of Multiple Access Techniques for LTE System Under Symbol Error Rate (SER) Calculation " | Mr. Piyush Vyas , Mr. Manish Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | "International Journal Of Advanced Engineering And Science" | 2016-17 | "ISSN (Online) : 2456-1908 ISSN (Print) : 2349-6495" |
"Literature Survey of Security Enhancement in Manet Routing Protocols of WLANs " | Mr. Piyush Vyas, Mr. Manish Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | Certificate of Publication by International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science | 2016-17 | ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O). |
Comparative Analysis of Quality of Signal of Different Service Providers” | " Ms. Komal Sharma,Ms.. Aswathy Puthukkulam ,Ms. Heena Joshi ,Mr.Bablu Kumar Singh," | Electronics and communication Engineering | "“ International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology” (IJIRSET) ,Vol. 6, Issue 4, " | 2016-17 | ISSN (Online): 2319-8753/ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 |
An in sight into Architecture of smart city:A review | Ms. Aisha Jangid,Ms. Laxmi Choudhary | Electronics and communication Engineering | International Journal of Scientific Review and Research in Engineering and technology | 2016-17 | ISSN NUMBER:2455-3603 [ONLINE] |
Maximally nonclassical state from classical state using inverse boson operators | Prof. Sushmana Sharma | I Year | International journal of photonics and optical technology | 2016-17 | 2455-8869 |
Phytofabrication of copper nanoparticles using rhizomes of curculigo orchioides(kali musli)and its antimicrobial activity | Prof. Sushma Dave | I Year | Int. J. of Adv. Res. | 2016-17 | 2320-5407 |
Callistemon lanceolatus (Bottle Brush) Flower Extract as a Greener Alternative to Synthetic pH Indicators | Prof. Sushma Dave | I Year | Asian Jounal of research in chemistry | 2016-17 | 0974-4150 |
Potential Application of cellulosic waste foe removal of Reactive blue dye | Prof. Sushma Dave | I Year | International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science | 2016-17 | 2348-3121 |
Extraction And Studies On Saponification Values Of Some Non Edible Seed Oils From Arid Zone Of Rajasthan | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | I Year | TECHNICAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION INDIA | 2016-17 | 2393-8374 |
Stability Analysis and Numerical Solution for the Fractional Order Biochemical Reaction Model | Prof. A. M. Khan | I Year | Nonlinear Analysis and Differential Equations | 2016-17 | 1314-7587 |
Factors to be considered to make Life Insurance popular and accessible to Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) segment in India. | Dr.Mitali Dutta | MBA | International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management (IJCBM) (Research Paper) | 2016-17 | 2319-2828 |
Lean Production System: A Review | R.S Chhatrawat | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Advance Engineering And Research Development | 2016-17 | E-ISSN : 2348 - 4470, P-ISSN : 2348-6406 |
Comparative Analysis On Performance And Emission Characteristics Of VCR Diesel Engine Using Nitrogenated Based Additives | Ravi Shankar Padwa, VIVEK SINGH, NEERAJ KUMAR | Mechanical Engineering | IOSR Journal Of Mechanical And Civil Engineering | 2016-17 | ISSN: 2320-334X, |
Experimental Investigation On The Performance Of VCR Diesel Engine Fuelled By E-NM2-Diesel Blend | Ravi Shankar Padwa, Sunil Gupta, Vivek Singh | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering And Technology | 2016-17 | ISSN(Online) : 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 |
Performance Characteristics Of Diesel Engine Using Ethanolnitromethae-Diesel Blend At Twocompression Ratios | Ravi Shankar Padwa, Sunil Gupta, Vivek Singh | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Emerging Technology And Advanced Engineering | 2016-17 | ISSN 2250-2459 |
Determining Relation Among Shape Of Perforation And Convective Heat Transfer From Lateral Fin Arrangement Using Simulation By Computational Fluid Dynamics | Ankit Vyas, Sandeep Gupta , Sunil Gupta | Mechanical Engineering | International Refereed Journal Of Engineering And Science | 2016-17 | ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 |
Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number |
Study of Initial Growth of Plants in Treated Water | Chaitanya Sahadev | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Science Engineering & Management | 2015-16 | 2456 -1304 |
Cost Effective Bio-Adsorbent from Agricultural Waste | Chaitanya Sahadev | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Science Technology and Management | 2016 | 2394-1537 |
Cost-Effective Method to Reduce Pollution Due To Textile Waste Water | Chaitanya Sahadev Published with Prof.(Dr.) Garima Goswami | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Science Technology and Management | 2015 | 2348-7550 |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) | Girish Chitoshiya and Rajendra Karwa | Mechanical Engineering | IJERT | 2015-16 | 111-115 |
A Survey on Image Restoration | Rajendra Purohit | Computer Science and Engineering | IJIRSE | 2015-16 | 2347-3207 |
Video Streaming using Dual Channel Dual-Path Routing to Prevent Packet Copy Attack | Ms. Kavita Choudhary | Computer Science and Engineering | IEEE | 2015-16 | 10.1109/CICT.2015.142 |
Multi-hop Secured Video Transmission Using Dual-channel Dual-path Routing Against Packet Copy Attack | Ms. Kavita Choudhary | Computer Science and Engineering | Springer | 2015-16 | 10.1109/CICT.2015.142 |
Optimal Sensor Nodes Deployment Method Using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks | Ms. Kavita Choudhary | Computer Science and Engineering | Springer | 2015-16 | 2194-5357 |
"A Review of basic Mathematical Transformation used in Image Processing" | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJERT | 2015-16 | "DOI Prefix: 10.17577 ISSN 2278-0181" |
An Analytical Review of Lossy Image Compression using n-TV Method | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJERT | 2015-16 | "DOI Prefix: 10.17577 ISSN 2278-0181" |
"A Comparative Study of Lossy Image Compression using FMM & THV=10" | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJERT | 2015-16 | "DOI Prefix: 10.17577 ISSN 2278-0181" |
A comparative study of lossy Image Compression by embedding n-MM & n-TV method in lossy image compression process | Nitesh Agarwal | Computer Science and Engineering | IJAERD | 2015-16 | "ISSN(Online): 2348-4470 ISSN(Print): 2348-6406" |
Maximum Power Transfer to Solar Powered Water Pumping System Using Differential Compound DC Motor | KUSUM AGARWAL and BL MATHUR | Electrical Engineering | IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control | 2015-16 | DOI: 10.1109/IC4.2015.7375728 |
Estimation of Loss of Life due to Hot Spot Development in Power Transformer using MATLAB | VINIT MEHTA | Electrical Engineering | International Journal of Computing, Communication and Instrumentation Engineering | 2015-16 | 2349-1469 |
"Simulation Study of DITMC Technique for Enhancing Channel Utilization in Speech Communication of Mobile Network" | Prof. Hemant Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | IEEE Xplore | 2015-16 | ISBN 978-1-5090-0206-1, page number 133-136 |
A study on Evolution of Communication | Prof. Hemant Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | IJECCT | 2015-16 | ISSN:2249-7838 |
"A Study on Role of Smart Antennas in Mobile Communication" | Prof. Hemant Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | IJARCCE | 2015-16 | "ISSN(online) 2278-1021 , ISSN(Print) 2319-5940" |
A Study on CS-RZ-ASK Modulation Format for Long Haul Optical Communication | Prof. Hemant Purohit | Electronics and communication Engineering | IJIREEICE | 2015-16 | "ISSN(online) 2321-2004 ,ISSN(Print) 2321-5526" |
"A survey and study on improvements in effieciency and effectivness of multipath routing protocol in wireless sensor network" | "Prof. K.K .Arora,Prof. Manish Purohit, Prof. Piyush Vyas" | Electronics and communication Engineering | IJARCCE | 2015-16 | "ISSN(online) 2278-1021 ,ISSN(Print) 2319-5940" |
"Literature Survey of MANET under Blackhole and Grayhole attack" | " Prof. Piyush Vyas" | Electronics and communication Engineering | "International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, " | 2015-16 | ISSN (Online) 2278-1021 ISSN (Print) 2319-5940 |
"Survey of Security Enhancements in MANET Routing Protocols for Networking" | Prof. K.K. Arora ,Mr. Piyush Vyas | Electronics and communication Engineering | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 5, Issue 3 | 2015-16 | ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O). |
Extraction And Characterisation Of Scyzium Cumin(Jamun)Seed Oil | Prof. Akleshwar Mathur | I Year | International Journal of Advance Research in Engg. Science & Technology | 2015-16 | 2394-2444 |
Multivariate integral representation suggested by Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials of matrix argument in complex case | Prof. Anjali Mathur | I Year | IOSR Journal of Mathematics | 2015-16 | 2278-5728 |
The Exton’s Quadruple hypergeometric functions of matrix arguments in complex case | Prof. Anjali Mathur | I Year | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) | <2015-16 | 2395-3470 |
“A Study on Problems and Prospects of Industry Oriented Training Programs to provide employable professionals | Prof. (Dr.)Punita Soni | MBA | SANKALP | 2015-16 | 2231-1904 |
“Relevance of Crowdfunding in India” | Prof. (Dr.)Punita Soni | MBA | Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary Issue. | 2015-16 | ISSN 2320-5083 |
Social Media Marketing: A New Trend in E-Marketing - A Demographic Investigation of Youth's Attitude | Mahendra Daiya | MBA | Business Voice: An International Refereed Research Journal of Business and Economics | 2015-16 | ISSN No. 2454 - 6208 |
Life Insurance Sector in India: A decade of change | Dr.Mitali Dutta | MBA | IJARS International Journal of Economics & Commerce. (Research Paper) | 2015-16 | 2455-149X |
An Empirical Study of Employee Engagement: An Opportunity or Challenge with Special Reference to TAJ Hotel at Jodhpur | Divya Sharma | MBA | International Journal Advances in Social Science and Humanities | 2015-16 | ISSN NO. 2347-7474 |
Water Jet Machining: An Advance Manufacturing Process | Abhishek Dixit, Vikas Dave, M.R. Baid | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science | 2015-16 | ISSN 2091-2730 |
Lean Manufacturing: A Technique For Waste Elimination | Abhishek Dixit, Vikas Dave, Alaxendra Pratap Singh | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181, Vol. 4, Issue 4, 2015 | 2015-16 | ISSN:2278-0181 |
Uncertainty In MRP Systems: - A Review | Abhishek Dixit | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Engineering Research And Technology (IJERT) | 2015-16 | ISSN:2347-5900 2347-6079 |
CNC And DNC Systems: A Future Approach | Abhishek Dixit, Vikas Dave | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Engineering Research &Technology | 2015-16 | ISSN: 2278-0181 |
An Approach Towards Plant Location And Plant Layout | Abhishek Dixit, Vikas Dave | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal OF Engineering Sciences &Management Research | 2015-16 | ISSN 2349-6193 |
Role Of Additives And Their Influence On Performance Of Engine For Petroleum Diesel Fuel,Oxygenated-Diesel Blend: A Review. | Vivek Singh Shekhawat, Ravi Shankar Padwa | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Engineering Research &Technology | 2015-16 | ISSN 2278-0181 |
Response Of Functionally Graded Material Plate Under Thermomechanical Load Subjected ToVarious Boundary Conditions | Manish Bhandari | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal Of Metals | 2015-16 | ISSN 2356-704X |