JIET Jodhpur

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Can Computer Engineers Work From Home?

Yes, most jobs can be performed remotely, but that’s not what you are asking, are you? Given the pandemic is coming to an end and workplaces reopening, is there a possibility that computer engineers can continue working from home full-time? The short answer would be both yes and no. Allowing remote work is pretty much the discretion of your employer.

However, can you continue working from home as a computer engineer even if your employer isn’t on board? Yes. As shocking as that may sound, there are ways you can permanently work from home as a computer engineer. Interested in learning how? Read along.

How To Work From Home Permanently As A Computer Engineer?

There are two ways to work from home as a computer engineer permanently. The first way is to do freelancing, where you find clients and work for them on your own time without ever needing to leave home. The second option is to find remote jobs as a computer engineer and work full-time remotely from home. Let’s explore both these options in detail.


Freelancing is working as a solopreneur where you offer your services to interested clients and develop products based on your agreed-upon terms. You don’t have any fixed work hours in this process, and you can work from anywhere you want. As a business venture, the risk and reward of your operations will solely be borne by you. This means you have to advertise your services, find clients, and work for them on your own schedule.

If you are successful, you will be able to hire more people and start your own company where you are basically the boss. Freelancing, when done right, will help you earn more than your 9-5 job, but it will take time to get your earnings up. However, if you are confident about your skills and your field of work and experience are diverse, you can find great work in this field. Where do you find freelancing gigs? 

There are a number of websites like Upwork, freelancer, people per hour, Fiverr, and many more where you can enlist yourself and bid for projects or let clients find you directly.

Remote Full-Time Jobs

Remote full-time jobs are full-time jobs where you work on a fixed schedule and earn a fixed monthly salary. The only difference is you will never have to go to the office, and you can work from a completely different country as long as you work on their schedule. This type of work opportunity has both pros and cons. To discuss the pros, you get most of the benefits of a full-time employee and a similar pay package without having to travel to an office.

To discuss the cons, unless you are working for an organization from the country you are based in, you might get a shift at odd hours because of the time difference. Also, as this is a full-time opportunity, you will not be allowed to pursue working for other clients on the side. The work hours and remuneration can be discussed with your organization, and you can get started at the earliest.

You can find full-time remote opportunities on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and other professional job boards.


So, there you have it. Those are the two ways you can work permanently from home as a computer engineer. You will be able to work at top companies from around the world this way if you have your education from the right college. So, to get the competitive edge that will help you live your life the way you want, choose JIET. They are a NAAC and NBA-accredited engineering college in Jodhpur. Visit the JIET Universe website to learn more about computer engineering courses at JIET.

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