JIET Jodhpur

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The changing face of engineering in a post covid world

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world as we know it. One of the sectors that were the worst hit because of the pandemic was the education sector. For almost two years now, schools, colleges, and most of the other educational institutes have remained closed due to the effects of the pandemic. It has made it difficult for people to gather under one roof and receive education, as was the norm for hundreds of years.

Over the last two years, the higher education sector has quickly adapted the online learning method, especially engineering colleges. There have been many disruptions in the process and the rollout as the entire changeover was very sudden. Students and teachers have faced many problems adapting to this new way of teaching and learning because engineering especially is a practical-oriented technical course. This sudden changeover concerned students and brought questions about their ability to find employment after their engineering degrees.

It is pretty challenging to label what the future holds clearly, but there will undoubtedly be significant changes in the overall system. Students will need to have a completely new mindset required for success as engineers in the post-COVID world. Let's take a look at some of the pointers that can help students navigate their careers in engineering in a post-COVID world.

3 tips to help students navigate their careers in engineering in a post covid world

  • Consider pursuing a masters education

Engineering is a job-oriented course, but given the current status of the world, specific engineering streams will have even more than current demand shortly due to the effects of the pandemic. Other streams will have reduced job opportunities and overall demand. It might seem like a very bleak future for students already enrolled in these courses, but there is hope.

Experts around the world have predicted that the effect of the pandemic will take some time to reduce; it has been estimated that in about a year or two after the initial restart of ordinary life as we knew it. The economy and the demand and supply chains as they existed could see normalcy again. It is only an estimation, and given the various variants of the virus and the overall shift of people for such a long time to new ways, the return could take even longer.

In the meantime, students should move forward with their lives; what better way to do so than by continuing their education. Meanwhile, getting a master's degree will help you get better job opportunities and will open up many other career opportunities for you in the long term. You will also be eligible for higher-ranking job positions and better-paying job offers. With two years in your hand, you will be finally able to get offers and job opportunities that genuinely value your education and skills.

  • Look for job opportunities at prospective startups

An old saying states, "when one door closes, another one opens." It is the same with the pandemic. With the global disruptions to regular life in many ways, people worldwide turned towards entrepreneurship and local businesses more than ever now. In the last two years, new startups and companies have floated in almost every industry imaginable in staggering numbers. All that people hoped and thought that they would like to do one day, they are doing it now.

It opens up many new exciting working opportunities for technically proficient candidates such as engineers. Startups are innovative and offer excellent opportunities to people with talent to present their skills in ways where they can truly shine. The pay packages may not be as good as the MNCs available, but in time, you could be a part of something big, and it could all pay off in the end. But, there are fewer certainties, and if you are okay with taking a bit of a risk, working for startup companies could be a great deal for you.

You can also learn a lot working with startups; you can get good industry experience and get good projects under your name if you are working with the right people. You will also get the opportunity to contact the administration and discuss your ideas and innovation with them to help grow the business.

  • Prepare For Government Examinations

If you are scared about your future stability as a working professional, you can always go for the safety and stability of a government job. Preparing for a government exam can take time, but if you get selected with your engineering background, you can be eligible for exciting job opportunities working for the government.

So, you must keep your options open to ensure you utilize your talents in the best possible way. You also get proper value for your education and skills, and you are not scammed by lowball offers citing the pandemic as a reason.


Engineering as a trade is not going to face much brunt of the pandemic as it is through the work of engineers; the world and the economy can hope to recover from the pandemic. As a student with a career ahead, you can keep in mind these pointers to help you go towards a safer career choice. If you are an aspirant of engineering, you can rest assured of your future safety by keeping these points in mind. If you are studying at the right institute, the teachers and administration can guide you in the right direction in terms of your career, no matter the situation. One of the best examples of that would be the Jodhpur Institute of Engineering and Technology which is rated the best engineering college in Rajasthan. You can check out their latest placement data amid the pandemic to see how well they care for their students. You will find more information on the official website of the college.