JIET Jodhpur

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Is Machine Learning a good career?

Are you a person who loves to explore technology? Do you like to read about the latest technology in artificial intelligence or computer science applications? If so, then probably you should consider pursuing a career in machine learning. This rapidly growing field offers various opportunity to be at the forefront of the technological revolution and shape the doom of computers and their practical applications. Following are some of the top reasons to pursue a career in this industry.

Exciting Opportunities

As per an estimation, artificial intelligence (AI) will generate a business worth around $4 billion by the end of 2022. More than one-third of companies in India have already started spending on data science and machine learning, and many more are planning to do it future.

There is no surprise that AI and machine learning jobs are considered “the hottest jobs of the century.” The files offer various opportunities to climb the ladder of success in the machine learning field.

Career options in Machine Learning:

  • Machine learning engineer

  • BI developer

  • Natural language processing or NLP scientist

  • Data scientist

  • Human-centred machine learning designer

Practical application of Math: 

Being a machine learning engineer can be an excellent career for you if you enjoy math and are enthusiastic about finding practical applications for complicated equations and theories. With an occupation in machine learning, chances are you will be able to use linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics in your everyday work. In addition, you are going to use all these things with real-life practical applications.

Continual Learning

Machine learning is a relatively new field. Many solutions, algorithms, and applications haven’t been explored yet. You could be part of a growing team that revolutionists healthcare, marketing, online security, smart city, robotics or smart cars etc. Machine learning is about uncovering real-world problems or finding ways to optimize modern technology for specific applications in most cases. Chances are, your profession could involve plenty of opportunities to learn and explore new things throughout your career.

New Trails for Computer Programming

Since machine learning focuses on computers and optimizing their performance, computer programming is an essential skill. If you are a soul who loves to code and logic, a job as a machine learning engineer could empower you to use languages such as Python in innovative applications. You can also gain an in-depth understanding of machine learning algorithms, modelling and structures.

Great Career Possibilities:

Being a machine learning engineer, you can get financial perks and the chance to make a real contribution to future technology. The average pay scale for machine learning engineers is over $100,000, and there are hundreds of thousands of job openings in many regions of the world. The chances are much higher that career opportunities will continue to expand as the industry does. The internet offers various learning options to hone the skills you need for a job. You can find a machine learning engineer profession and get hired on the experience, education, and certifications.

Based on this, we can say that machine learning is an ever-growing sector, and one can find thier interest and field in it to make their best career option. 

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