JIET Jodhpur

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Importance of SDGs in today's context in higher education

In a world that is currently facing existential problems such as climate change and global warming matched with a slow but sure global shortage of non-renewable resources, the idea of sustainable development is at the core of most of all developments today. This is done for the purpose of being thoughtful towards the future of the next generation and the future of the planet as a whole.

Given that higher education is what shapes the thinking of future leaders, it is extremely crucial that there is a great focus on SDGs in higher education to ensure students understand the gravity of the global problems at hand and understand the need for sustainable development. But, how does higher education implement these experiences in their curriculum? And what is, in the end, the core importance of SDGs in higher education? Let's find out! But before we jump into that, you should first learn a bit more about SDGs.

What are SDGs?

There are 17 SDGs developed by the United Nations in 2015, which were to be fulfilled by 2030. These 17 SDGs work on the mission to make the world a better place for the future and function on various levels of economic, social, technological, and environmentally sustainable development. These goals are noble and crucial for the future of our planet and can definitely help the world make a revolution towards renewable energy, which will be greatly helpful.

How does higher education implement SDGs?

Higher education is the solution for implementing SDGs because it brings awareness towards serious issues at a very core level which is not possible to understand for school level students. Once students at a higher education level are aware of the problems faced globally, they can understand the need for the change and can be the key to the change that will help the SDGs succeed within their timeline of 2030.

By increasing the knowledge and awareness among the masses, it can create a grassroots level change which is not possible to be done governmentally, so education is the key to helping the SDGs being implemented in the public forum. Other than that, inculcating the values of sustainable development in the population will breed a new generation that will have these values ingrained in them from childhood, making the future a better world and helping the survival of human beings as a species on this planet better and easier.

Importance of SDGs in higher education

Standing in 2022, only 8 years away from the target goal of 2030, it must be said that there is a lot left to be done. The collaborative goal of humanity to meet the SDGs goal has not been met as well as it could have in the last 7 years. The amount of pollution keeps on rising even though there has been a huge new wave of renewable energy resources in various areas such as the automobile industry and power generation industry. The need to conserve the ocean and underwater life has been felt and raised across the world, but still, the amount of ocean pollution does not seem to slow down.

It is due to situations like this the importance of SDGs in higher education has increased more than ever. Educating the masses and providing the opportunity for equal access to higher education to all sections of the society and economy is absolutely essential at this point to help people realize the problems with the current world and to know what they can do to make it a better place even at a personal level.

So, if you are a student who is willing to make meaningful change in the world and understand the global problems and find your own creative solutions for all the problems, be sure to check out Jodhpur Insitute of Engineering and Technology, which is an institute that promotes sustainable thinking and helps students create solutions to real-life problems. For more information about JIET, be sure to check out the college website.