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How will the new education policy affect engineering?

The New Education Policy in India that was announced in 2020 is undoubtedly a step forward for Indian education. However, given that the policy plans on changing the very core of the education system in India, it is sure to have a profound effect on every educational course in the country. One of the key focuses of the NEP was to propose some significant changes in higher education to promote higher engagement among students in higher education and equal opportunity for all students across India to receive a quality education. Engineering is one of the most pursued higher education streams in India that is pursued by millions of students every year. How does the new education policy impact engineering courses in India? Let’s find out!

Impact of NEP on engineering education in India

●  Focus on Coding From School

The NEP has proposed that coding will be introduced to all students in India from class 6. This move is sure to have a positive effect on students who will have a better understanding and grasp of coding and will want to pursue engineering in the future. They will also be able to inculcate the values of logical thinking and basic aptitude by practicing coding from a young age. So, the introduction to coding from class 6 is sure to increase the number of engineering aspirants in India manifold.

●  Multiple Entry & Exit Option

Students in India often try to become an engineer before deciding what they want to do with their life. So, students that are confused or do not want to pursue engineering and try their luck or skills somewhere else can now do so with the multiple entries and exit options. This will help students pursue their passion before becoming an engineer and make a career out of their passion. However, if they want, they can come back and complete their education from where they left off because their previous credits and scores will be stored in the academic credits bank, which allows students to pick up their studies from where they left off in their education without needing readmission.

●  Change In The Focus Of Education

The Indian education system focused a lot on theoretical and academic education, which had limited use in real-world workplaces. To tackle this problem from its roots, the focus of education in India is being changed to more practical-based education that is rooted in its ability to teach students job-ready skills. Given that the curriculum is being changed from the grassroots level and an increased focus on internships and industry visits are being placed, it is expected that engineering students of the future will be more job-ready out of college.

●  Standardization of Marking Schemes & Fees

One of the best features of the NEP is the promise that the fees of government and private engineering, and other colleges will be standardized to ensure equal opportunity and equal availability of education to every Indian student. Although the data is not yet available, it is expected that engineering education is sure to be more affordable in the future as the government will monitor the fees of all institutes. Similar prospects are planned for the marking schemes of all institutes, both government and private, as UGC and AICTE are to be unified into a single higher education board that oversees the standardization of marking and fees of the higher education institute in India.


The NEP is sure to have a positive impact on engineering courses in the future, as the points mentioned above will surely make engineering even more popular in the future in India. So, if you are an engineering aspirant, be sure to check out top colleges such as Jodhpur Insitute of Engineering and Technology for getting the best platform for your engineering education from the best private autonomous engineering college in Rajasthan.

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